Weapon damage and stats are tied in to the Armor AR and other armor-related properties. Marksman weapons (thrown) damage has been increased, weight reduced. Most weapon weights are not as crazy as they were before, either. Almost everything has been adjusted, stat-wise, for balance and realism.
[EDIT2]Please see the most recent post, I have some questions to ask you![/EDIT2]
[EDIT]Finished Health. Now, on to Enchantment![/EDIT]
I haven't started on ranged weapons yet, though.
The Speed is increased for most of the weapons (some piddling decimal, nothing dramatic). I've standardized the Reach to be more consistant (for instance, shortswords and daggers are slightly less than 1, battle axes and warhammers have the same reach, et cetera; Spears/Halberds have increased reach, too).
Weights are reduced big time. Prices have increased (used my Master Price for material type from my armor mod and transferred it over to weapons). Makes sense. Big slowdown will happen when/if I change the damage values for chop, slash, thrust. I might just leave that alone, I'm not looking forward to the headache it will bring me...
Progress will slow down over the next week or two (I have some assignments to work on), but I hope to finish soon so I can get to playin' some Morrowind. :hehe:
As usual, I'll make this super-compatible (MW, TB, BM, TB + BM, with artifact or no-artifact versions), with a tutorial on how to make it compatible with mods that also alter weapons (such as artifact replacers).
I can't believe it's been almost 3 weeks since I started the armor mod! The reason I haven't put it into the CS yet is because I want to work on this weapon mod. I might go into another round of mod-making and this time address clothing and jewelry. I already have some basic stuff set up in excel for that, but I haven't decided if I wanted to modify the clothing/jewelry or not.
So, what do you all think? Anything terribly unbalanced with the vanilla system that you'd like to see changed?
I can post more details about the ratios I'm using, but I don't want to bore everyone to death with numbers. Let me know if you are interested in the specifics, and I'll go ahead and post them.