I wanna know when they're going to balance stealth shotty. Unless i'm mistaken and all the people one shotting everyone with the shotty were just hackers, i think its a little ridiculous. I watched a guy not even really aiming, just kinda flingin it around and shooting "near" people and with full armor they just drop dead. Point blank almost makes sense, but I've seen it at a distance too. I dunno, that's my only complaint so far, I dont mind the automatics so much, they definately take a lot more to kill people (maybe a slight bit too much more) but whatever. I've adjusted to it. I dunno how I can drop a whole clip into an unarmored guy sometimes, bust out my sidearm, empty that too, and then they still dont die. That usually gets followed up by them throwing bullets at me half hazardly and I get lucky headshotted or their bullets seem to magically do more damage

when that happens either someone threw orbital strike or ur just laging or that guys just laging...