We went from total dice-rolls (Arena/Daggerfall/Morrowind) to always hitting (Oblivion), Skyrim seems to be only continuing on the same path with no spell-making and possibly no attributes and even LESS skills (I'm starting to get impressed. Maybe in TES VII, we'll have Combat, Magic, and Stealth for skills.)
Coming from Morrowind, Oblivions combat felt fantastic. Morrowind was definitely my favorite of the series, but the combat was mediocre at best. I would never want to go back. Hidden dice rolls were nice, but really they feel archaic now. There was nothing wrong with them, but I'm glad they are gone. Combat in Oblivion was MUCH more fluid, and it seems that Skyrim is heading in the same direction.
And maybe spellmaking doesn't work with this system? Magic in Skyrim had definitely had an overhaul, and I wouldn't judge it by one deleted feature. They probably took it out because it didn't work well with the new magic system, which is fine.
And three less skills, indeed, the skill system has been cut. But with 180+ perks, Skyrim will have much more character customization than Oblivion or Morrowind.
Just an Opinion.

Not trying to flame. (Wow, wildly off topic. I would love to discuss this more, but we should do so in a PM)