No 1-2 were not dumber than 4, they were "Dumber" than 3-NV for not having repair which for some reason people think means That Bethesda is dumbing down Fallout.
My point being that people are trying to say that X is dumbing down the system when the reality was that X(in this case Item repair) NEVER existed in a Fallout game until Bethesda shoved it in. Then Obsidian (and arguably Bethesda with Alien Epoxy which I think is actually the exact same code as repair kits) basically tried to fix it with the repair kit / epoxy consumables, the "delayed stat decay" and the "repair" change (I'm one of the people who thought that Repair was a royal pain in the ass with weapons/ armor especially if a weapon mod brought in a new set of guns that were not cross repairable with existing guns for whatever reason) it was not as noticeable before in there previous titles, but then you did not have guns that could rip through a few hundred bullets in a game session in TES with much of that being shots that will miss.
Basically if it has been removed then what Bethesda is doing by is removing something THEY "added" into Fallout then what they are doing is that they are, Defacto, admitting that something THEY DID TO FALLOUT was a mistake to have put into the game in the first place. Could they have done a better job re-tuning it so it was not pain? probably. Would it have been a good time investment to sit there and go through all of the theoretical possible combinations of weapon + mods to make sure everything in Fallout 4 was "balanced" or even "Working as intended"....bluntly if its an average of 14 mods per weapon divided more or less evenly among the known slots (and from the video we know its more than that per gun..
(Capacitator/reciver) 4-8
Barrel 4-7 mods
Grip (including things like shoulder, long, short, compensated and recoil supressing) 2-5
Sights (depends some apparently have options ranging from non to 6-7)
Muzzle (none, silencer, recoil suppressing, compensating, and that gyro ball thing for lasers, and that's assuming they don't have other strange things you can strap onto the muzzle since we can now apparently shoot Electrified teddy-bears, burring books, and frozen coffee (mugs) at enemy's
Just as a low-ball estimate they would have to try to get repair to somehow cover at least 30,000 combinations of weapon mods. and given that apparently you can convert "pistols" to sub machine guns to "rifles" to Assault rifles just by using the right barrel, muzzle, "receiver/capacitor" and Grip. . .
I suspect that if repair is actually gone then it was because they took one look at the list of possible mod combos and said nah we don't need this thing stuck in QA for a year just over that.