Weapon Kills breakdown NE1 like to share as well?

Post » Thu Dec 06, 2012 9:01 am

Figured it would be fun to compare if anyone is willing. Check service record then over to weapons.

Kills. 46997
Melee 16174
Scar 6679
Feline. 6290
Scarab 5562
Frag. 3542
Mk60. 945
Ay69. 424

300ish each of hmg, kvolt, & c4
100ish each of X43, hammer, ltag, & nova
Less then 100 each of all others.

@@@@@found these while snooping and figured what the heck.
Specter 336
Road rage 37
Ceph airstrike kills 707
Max suit kills 752
Orbital strike kills 852

I am surprised there isnt a airstomp catagory.
Thanks for looking

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candice keenan
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Post » Thu Dec 06, 2012 3:09 am

Kills: 37,462

Melee: 14,417
Marshall: 8,526
Scar: 2,699
M2014 Gauss: 1,662
Scarab: 1,404
Feline: 1,249
Majestic: 670
C4: 403
Grendel: 479
M12 Nova: 462
K-Volt: 392
DSG-1: 365
Frags: 340
Hammer: 338
Mk.60 Mod: 327
AY69: 225
L-Tag: 201

HMG, Jackal, X-43 MIKE, and the JAW have less than 200, but greater than 90.

And I'm guessing I have around 400 Air stomps, leveled to III twice and being used now.
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James Baldwin
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Post » Thu Dec 06, 2012 2:55 am

Cool man, thanks for sharing. Nice to see what others like to use. I tried using some different guns as of late because I have 1000 kills with the feline, scar and scarab. Tried using the Marshall and I don't know how u guys do it. Force of habbit to aim, but had more luck just shooting without aiming. Im at 5 kills with the marshall. Haha Got like 50 with the jackal. Closing in on 100 with the m20 gaus. been using the mk60 and kvolt lately to upgrade and xp and achievements
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sam smith
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Post » Thu Dec 06, 2012 11:45 am

Yeah, I'm interested in what other players use too. I like how you've got an even spread over the SCAR, SCARAB, and FELINE. I've always got two classes with a Marshall, one with energy transfer and all the gear to go all out, and one with air stomp. My other classes are a sniper, an assault class with laser-scar and aim enhance, and a class for trying out new things and training modules. Right now I'm using Loadout pro with a DSG-1(Ext. Mags, Silencer), SCARAB(Grenade Launcher, Reflex, and silencer), and C4s. I'm working mostly on the DSG since it's so far behind the Gauss. After using the gauss for so long, and getting all those kills with it, using the DSG is like a complete walk in the park. I can't stand using the mk 60, haha. And I'm pretty horrible with the jackal, for some reason I can't use it correctly, and end up using it like a marshall which gets me killed. I'll be using the Kvolt after I get sidepack, Loadout, and possibly armor enhance to level III. Working on a HMG class that needs certain modules.

Oh, and I'm finally at the max level! 50, 5 reboots, and my gauss dog tag!
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Sophie Morrell
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Post » Thu Dec 06, 2012 6:07 am

Just going off my memory from yesterday

17,330 odd kills

12,000(sumthing) Scar

1,500 (sumthing) SCARAB

1,400 (sumthing) Feline

814 Melee

Can't remember the rest, very low kills with the rest of the weapons

I'm a SCAR fanboy fo' sho'
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Post » Thu Dec 06, 2012 5:13 am

Of the five classes, most are close to identical. One is (mk60/kvolt) nano recharge/st/mob enhance other is feline with exactly the same(for tougher competition). One gaus w/ prox, st/mobility enhance. One load out with random gone and gaus. Nano recharge and stealth enhance. Other is feline airstomp, st/mob enhance.
So fairly similar. But if there's a bunch of campers/snipers I like the load out option.

Sunny thanks for sharing as well. Appreciate the responses guys.
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Chelsea Head
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Post » Thu Dec 06, 2012 1:15 pm

It's not surprising that none of the double meleers have posted in here.

Come on guys I am dying to see those numbers.
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Jennifer Rose
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Post » Thu Dec 06, 2012 2:51 pm

Added some more info in 1st post by the @@@@@ symbols. Ceph, orbital, nano suit, specter, etc.
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Post » Thu Dec 06, 2012 5:00 am

Great post OP. I'll find my stats out next time I'm on :-) ...be interesting to see the what people's skill kills are too.
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Steve Bates
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Post » Thu Dec 06, 2012 4:29 pm

My list:

Total kills: 25006

SCAR: 5693
MELEE: 4119
FELINE: 3573
SCARAB: 2856
M17 FRAG grenade: 765
C4: 754
K_VOLT: 636
MK60 MOD: 551
DSG: 504
L-TAG: 456
HMG: 295
MIKE: 191
AY 69: 149
NOVA: 117
GAUSS: 105
JAW: 32
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Timara White
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Post » Thu Dec 06, 2012 4:57 am

Here's Mine:

Total Kills: 72,568

Feline- 26,604
Melee- 16,699
Scar- 12,689
Scarab- 7,183
Grenade- 2,231 C4- 245
Mk 60- 423
Marshall- 415
Rest of weapons- 456
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Post » Thu Dec 06, 2012 4:06 pm

Nipped on to get mine...

Kills: 30496

Scar: 5641
Scarab: 4845
Feline: 3710
Grendel: 2794
Melee: 1966
Jackal: 1282
Frag: 1157
Nova: 1033
Dsg-1: 996
K-volt: 968
Hammer: 758
HMG: 619
Marshall: 590
C4: 544
Majestic: 530
AY69: 345
M20-14: 326
MK60: 299
Jaw: 271
L-tag: 85
X-mike: 41
Flash Bang: 2
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Kate Murrell
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Post » Thu Dec 06, 2012 12:26 pm

I decided to do mine
in order of my favorite
to least favorite weapons.

Total Kills: 60,157

Marshall: 10,050

Using the Marshall is a F#@king art! I think
the Marshall is one of the best weapons in the
game because it takes skill and dedication to
master. If you hit someone while in cloak it's an
instant kill, head... instant Kill!, Upper chest...
usually and instant Kill! When one moves around
with the Marshall like a ninja gliding through the
air timing the shot perfectly so one can take down
an enemy with a single blow, the feeling... well...
it's Amazing!

Hammer: 538

You know... I wish there were pistol only
matches just for this gun because it's
such a cool handgun, all shiny metallic,
very strong and accurate. It's allows you
to be very ninja like when moving around
and you can actually kill someone without
emptying half a clip like the nova.

Feline: 10,100

I know a lot of good players use this gun
and that's why some don't like it, it has
very low damage but it has the best turning
radius, mobility, and rate of fire making it a
lethal combination.

C4: 4189

Blow a bunch of thugs up running in a pack
at you, nuff said.

Jackal: 2903

Lethal Mobility, sounds dirty

X-43 Mike: 410

C'mon, it let's you cook people from the
inside and after their bodies are smoking!

HMG: 373


Scarab: 989

Great mobility, sounds cool, doesn't kill fast

Scar: 987

Your trusty reliable assault rifle.

Jaw: 75

You hear it coming and it's to late,
you just got jawwed!

M34 Flash Bang: 2

I must not count Bang and Clear! kills
because I have a lot more than 2, this
must be actually dying from it. I mean
what's better than blinding someone,
making them totally helpless and then
shooting them.

Grendel: 339

Great accuracy, range and damage but
something's missing.

M12 Nova: 445

weak, looks like a child's toy.

M17 Frag Grenade: 465

It's a grenade, some noob tosses it
across the map randomly and blows
you up.

Mk. 60 Mod 0: 295

Nothing more annoying than one of these
with an assault scope mounted on it killing
you from across the map!

L-Tag: 270

L-Tag is a cool gun but spammers that use
it are infuriating.

K-Volt: 212

In the hands of a noob this is annoying as

Majestic: 34

She has her fans but this gun just makes
me go blah!

AY69: 28

Weak, not enough bullets but looks, sounds cool

M2014 Gauss: 27

I'm an idealist and I think this gun should kill in
one shot but it does not so frown.

Melee: 21,998

Melee to me is just there, I use it when in panic or
if someone is too close to shoot.
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jeremey wisor
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Post » Thu Dec 06, 2012 3:30 pm

I respect your comments in the dreaded "melee" thread, and i respect you stats. I'd Like to use the marshall more but I get soooo many point blank hit markers. IMO its a lag issue. The worst connection you have the worse off you will be using a heavy damage/low fire rate weapon like the snipers/marshall/grendel.

I'd also suggest that guys like you and Pie, heavy marshall users, would naturally have higher melee numbers (even if you don't like to), because to use that weapon you have to be close, thus putting you at risk to dying to melee, and having to finish off someone when you do get those annoying hitmarkers.

@ Mecha: 6% melee, lets play some time!
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Chloe Mayo
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Post » Thu Dec 06, 2012 6:38 am

Thanks for all the responses. I wasnt sure if anyone would even reply. Upped a few stats on the sniper side of things. Up over 100 with the gauss and a few with the other one.

It's amazing how a gun makes a player sometimes. With the feline, scar or scarab I'm pretty decent. Through in a mk60 or the kvolt(both working on for xp/achievement). I sometimes svck. Not use to moving slower or something, but kinda hate doing and making myself look bad. I like to see the different play styles.
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Elizabeth Lysons
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Post » Thu Dec 06, 2012 3:25 pm

It's amazing how a gun makes a player sometimes. With the feline, scar or scarab I'm pretty decent. Through in a mk60 or the kvolt(both working on for xp/achievement). I sometimes svck. Not use to moving slower or something, but kinda hate doing and making myself look bad. I like to see the different play styles.

Very true mate, other than my first suit (when I only really used the Feline and Scar) ~ I level-up guns weapons and suit-mods, just to have some variety.

I've never really used the Heavy guns ~ but that's because in the "Nano Elite" (probably wrong name ~ bottom set of challenges) you only need 500 kills with L-Tag and X-Mike ~ so saving those for later :-)

Good to see someone mixing it up ~ don't worry about making yourself look bad; hats-off to you for getting out of your comfort zone.

Soon as I have all the headshots for the Feline ~ I'm never using it again (didn't use it on the last suit).

@Sunny: I'll jump in to a couple of your games next time we're both on :-)
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Post » Thu Dec 06, 2012 6:13 am

Scar: (Just a few more than Feline)

Feline: 649

DSG-1: 175

Guass: 194

Grendel: 454

Scarab: (Near enough the same as Feline)

MK.60: 270

Jackal: 219

Marshall: 112

K-Volt: 32

Grenades: 154

And all the other guns are not worth mentioning.

I rarely use the marshall becasue of the BS lag and stuff, adn I want to like the K-Volt but... it svcks :/

It's a shame that the SCAR is the first gun. I rekon it should have been the Scarab.
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Mark Hepworth
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Post » Thu Dec 06, 2012 12:58 am

lol i've played brethren pro, i think he loves the Marshall? anyway I have only 6k kills and have this game for ages. The reason being i used to play cod and when i switched it was sooooo different. SO i stashed it away but recently started playing again and have just rebooted. I used to love the scarab and have 1.6k kills with it but now i love the scar with cell camo ( its so good !) and i am about to unlock cell feline. Earlier i was looking on my leader boards on this website and it says that all the others have played 30 games, i have played 700. Just so you know it hasn't registered i have rebooted and am actually level 63 instead of 12 ( i counted one for end of level 50 u need to get 80k xp to reboot).
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Mr. Allen
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Post » Thu Dec 06, 2012 2:32 pm

also played the true pie. god damn iso people they are pretty darn good.
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Guinevere Wood
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Post » Thu Dec 06, 2012 2:23 pm

Think I'm gonna redo this later when I go on.
Got several more kills lately with the:

I'll check and update my stats, think it would be interesting.
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Mimi BC
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Post » Thu Dec 06, 2012 2:30 am

Updated info

Kills 50,016 (50k kills woohoo)
Melee 16960
Feline 6985
Scar 6683
Scarab 5684
Frag 3566
Mk60 1233 (+300)
C4 686
Kvolt 474
Hmg 448
Ay69 424
Jackel 270
hammer 263
100-200 gaus, dsg1, nova, x43, ltag

Upgrade jackel, hammer, kvolt, mk60, and sniper rifles
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