» Thu Dec 06, 2012 12:26 pm
I decided to do mine
in order of my favorite
to least favorite weapons.
Total Kills: 60,157
Marshall: 10,050
Using the Marshall is a F#@king art! I think
the Marshall is one of the best weapons in the
game because it takes skill and dedication to
master. If you hit someone while in cloak it's an
instant kill, head... instant Kill!, Upper chest...
usually and instant Kill! When one moves around
with the Marshall like a ninja gliding through the
air timing the shot perfectly so one can take down
an enemy with a single blow, the feeling... well...
it's Amazing!
Hammer: 538
You know... I wish there were pistol only
matches just for this gun because it's
such a cool handgun, all shiny metallic,
very strong and accurate. It's allows you
to be very ninja like when moving around
and you can actually kill someone without
emptying half a clip like the nova.
Feline: 10,100
I know a lot of good players use this gun
and that's why some don't like it, it has
very low damage but it has the best turning
radius, mobility, and rate of fire making it a
lethal combination.
C4: 4189
Blow a bunch of thugs up running in a pack
at you, nuff said.
Jackal: 2903
Lethal Mobility, sounds dirty
X-43 Mike: 410
C'mon, it let's you cook people from the
inside and after their bodies are smoking!
HMG: 373
Scarab: 989
Great mobility, sounds cool, doesn't kill fast
Scar: 987
Your trusty reliable assault rifle.
Jaw: 75
You hear it coming and it's to late,
you just got jawwed!
M34 Flash Bang: 2
I must not count Bang and Clear! kills
because I have a lot more than 2, this
must be actually dying from it. I mean
what's better than blinding someone,
making them totally helpless and then
shooting them.
Grendel: 339
Great accuracy, range and damage but
something's missing.
M12 Nova: 445
weak, looks like a child's toy.
M17 Frag Grenade: 465
It's a grenade, some noob tosses it
across the map randomly and blows
you up.
Mk. 60 Mod 0: 295
Nothing more annoying than one of these
with an assault scope mounted on it killing
you from across the map!
L-Tag: 270
L-Tag is a cool gun but spammers that use
it are infuriating.
K-Volt: 212
In the hands of a noob this is annoying as
Majestic: 34
She has her fans but this gun just makes
me go blah!
AY69: 28
Weak, not enough bullets but looks, sounds cool
M2014 Gauss: 27
I'm an idealist and I think this gun should kill in
one shot but it does not so frown.
Melee: 21,998
Melee to me is just there, I use it when in panic or
if someone is too close to shoot.