Correct, but that's not really an optimal load order. Environment mods really should go fairly high in the order.
An ideal solution would be for WMK to be cleaned of "identical to master" (i.e. dirty) records with FO3Edit.
Could you elaborate that?
Because the records in WMK aren't dirty(except for a handful of weapon entries). The cell records simply add single items to a cell, that cause some cell data to be overwritten. Many mods do that, it's nothing uncommon.
Now by loading an enviroment mod last, instead of first like you suggest, I dont get the problem of cell data being overwritten.
For example Realistic Interior Lighting changes a ton of lighting templates of cells. If I loaded it at the beginning of my LO, many of it's changes would get overwritten. If I load it at the bottom it's changes stay intact, with nothing else lost.
Atleast I know that in my load order(and I know every mod I have in my LO inside and out) it makes far more sense to load mods like Interior Lighting and Fellout at the bottom, rather than at the top.