Antistar, would it be possible for you to make a "compatibility" mod with I absolutely hate them, yet I love the Mod Kits, and when you use a kit on them the tracers return. What I think he did was make a mesh/texture for the tracer that made it invisible, I notice when just turning tracers off you can see the bullets for a moment before they fly off, and with No Tracers this isn't so, yet the bullets still show in VATS.
Edit: If you do I'd be very grateful. ^_^
Sorry for the late reply, and sorry again, because I won't be able to do that. I only do compatibility patches for things I want to use myself; no time for more than that.
I found more animation KFs for controlling the laser visibility. There seems to be a type called "Holster", which seems to control the state when it's on the back.
Also, there are versions for sneak, power armor, and power armor sneak (Sneak seems to be missing a holster version...)
Thanks; and would you be able to elaborate on that a bit? I'm not sure what you mean.
I do still intend to look at this stuff with the equip/unequip animations, but I've been working on another mod project; a good change of pace from WMK for a little while.

I'll probably be putting up a WIP for it soon...
Oh - and I want to say thanks again for all the help and suggestions you've given since WMK was released; I really appreciate it.
Nice that this works (partially) with with FOOK2 too, fully modded Beretta is my favored handgun now :goodjob:
I hope more of the new weapons will be moddable in the future, the Springfield M14 screams for a scope

WMK-FOOK2 will never be 'complete' in the sense that
all weapons can be modified; too many weapons. Far,
far too many weapons. I do plan to do the M14 (among others), though.