There are over 50 weapons and over 700 modifications in the game so there are plenty of crazy things that we don't know yet!
<> Frame/Capcitor/Reciever: Reciever (Guns)- So guns have a Reciever which determines if it's semi auto, automatic,eta it may also have something to do with the cailber of the rounds it uses!
Capcitor (Energy Weapons)- this could change the behavior of your laser rifle altogther, As far as we know maybe make different types of energy weapons out of a laser weapon. We don't have information quite yet!
Known Mods- Heavy Frame, Automatic Reciever, Photon Exciter!
<> Barrel- The barrel seems to add to attributes and subtract from them too. What I find very interesting is that the Plasma Rifle became a Scatter gun and a Plasma thrower and lastly a Plasma Thrower (Flamer Barrel) So it seems that some barrels may change the weapon altogether!
Known Mods- Assault Barrel, Short Ported Barrel, Sniper Barrel, Flamer Barrel!
<> Muzzle- To reduce recoild or add effects! Seems you can add Bayonets, Supressers, Compensators, Crazy weapon transform upgrades (Ignition Module, Electrocution Module)
<> Magazine- Ammo capacity but add weight?
<> Scope/Sights- Add zoom, accuracy!
<> Grip/Stock- Determines if weapon is rifle or pistol variant! Reduce recoil! Less AP Cost?
<> Misc Upgrades- Material, Baseball Bat Razors, Nails, Barded Wire, Saw Blades, Eta, maybe paint or camo!