What controls how fast a weapon fires. I'm messing around in FO3Edit and I see both "Fire Rate" and "Attack Shots/Sec". Sometimes they are equal, but sometimes I see where they are not. I was seeking to increase the rate of fire of a specific weapon, changed both of them, but I did not see any increase in the ROF. Does another variable play a role? Am I missing something? Thanks.
For Automatic weapons, the rate of fire is determined by the Fire Rate attribute. For non-automatic weapons, it's determined by the "Multiplier" and Attack Multiplier attributes, as well as, I think, the attack animation the weapon uses. Multiplier and Attack Multiplier both affect the speed of the attack animation. The Attack Shots/Sec attribute is automatically calculated by the GECK when you change any of the attributes that affect it. I don't know if manually editing Attack Shots/Sec in FO3Edit (you cannot do that in the GECK) has any effect in-game. Two other relevant attributes are Semi-Automatic Fire Delay Min and Max, which add a random delay after attacking during which one cannot make another attack. Those two aren't factored into Attack Shots/Sec if I remember correctly, but they do impact the practical attack rate.
See the http://geck.gamesas.com/index.php/Weapons article from the GECK wiki for more information on any of these attributes.