The icon is the skill used for the weapon and the number is the soft requirement to use that weapon. For example, let's take Guns:
Varmint Rifle = 0
Caravan Shotgun = 25
.44 Magnum Revolver = 50
12.7mm Pistol = 75
Anti-Materiel Rifle = 100
If your skill with that weapon type is too low, you will suffer weapon sway (if a ranged weapon) or a decreased attack rate (if melee/unarmed).
I believe the Help text in the options menu should have a screen for crafting.
PERFECT! Thank you so much!
I didnt realized there was a "help" menu HAHA.
I was actually confused about the 'Conversions' at the workbench... but I've since looked at it again, and I understand.
the Reloading Bench is clear too.
thanks again.
going back to my game, yet feeling like a dufus.