» Sat Feb 19, 2011 5:52 am
I think it's a good idea, but i only think it would work effectively if you could only apply one weapon set (left+right hand) to display. It could work like this;
Right hand, 2H weapons, shield, or right handed weapon. All of these can go on your back, as they should.
Left hand, left handed weapons, go on a sheath by your left leg.
That way you could basically choose what look you want to go for. If you wanted to have a 1-handed weapon on your back, you could, by choosing to have it on your right hand. And there would also be a realistic slot for shields and two-handed weapons.
This would all be exactly the same as the system in Oblivion, when it comes to carrying weapons. The only advantage of having weapons and shields equipped is that you may draw them faster.