At one time, I had thought I had seen a mod that would allow you to improve your weapons/armor, via a forge, or some other permanent installation..... Digging thru nexus though, either my Search-Fu is lacking, or, the memory is lacking... (or, a bit of both.....I didn't put this in the mod detective/psychics threads, as if there isn't one that currently works for ALL weapons..... I may just write one, so, this may become a wip thread.)
What I had envisioned was:
Honed, increases damage.
Reinforced, increases health, and a bit more weight.
forged, increase damage, AND health.....
Reinforced, increase health, small boost to armor rating, a bit more weight.
forged, same weight, increase health.
I am open to thoughts/ideas on this...... or, "Already Done" would work too....