I've mentioned a possible degradation system elsewhere. Basically involves components being scrounged from damaged weapons to replace worn ones on another. I think it is funny that the cry for degradation based upon how difficult it is to keep your shiny shotgun shiny, also relies on having many of these supposedly rare shotguns hanging around to keep the shiny one in tip top shape. If that is the degradation system everyone is clamoring for, I'd rather not have it. As armor is sectional now, I would not mind seeing pieces of it damaged and needing to be repaired or replaced. In a perfect world, Bethesda would have created a modular gameplay experience so that degradation/repair could be a flag set for each character. Not seeing that happening though. I'm fairly confident that we will see many different degradation/repair mods come down the pipe.
Somebody up thread mentioned the issues with skills and break points. I am interested in trying out this perk system instead for all those reasons.