WeaponItem Degradation and Skills

Post » Wed Dec 02, 2015 12:21 am

I've mentioned a possible degradation system elsewhere. Basically involves components being scrounged from damaged weapons to replace worn ones on another. I think it is funny that the cry for degradation based upon how difficult it is to keep your shiny shotgun shiny, also relies on having many of these supposedly rare shotguns hanging around to keep the shiny one in tip top shape. If that is the degradation system everyone is clamoring for, I'd rather not have it. As armor is sectional now, I would not mind seeing pieces of it damaged and needing to be repaired or replaced. In a perfect world, Bethesda would have created a modular gameplay experience so that degradation/repair could be a flag set for each character. Not seeing that happening though. I'm fairly confident that we will see many different degradation/repair mods come down the pipe.

Somebody up thread mentioned the issues with skills and break points. I am interested in trying out this perk system instead for all those reasons.

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Post » Wed Dec 02, 2015 5:02 am

According to the pcgamer.com employees who went to Quakecon 2015 said they were told about a visual inspection system for Fallout 4 where you can check to see if weapons are corroded, rusty, etc.

So I don't think there will be weapons that will be shiny if not kept in good condition in Fallout 4.

I have absolutely no idea how this weapons visual inspection system works, but it definitely will not be you dropping weapons on the ground and looking at it or that real time 3D inspection system The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim has, maybe something a bit similar to what The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim has?

I'm thinking you can actually inspect weapons when they are in your Player Characters (PC's) hands in Fallout 4.

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chloe hampson
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Post » Tue Dec 01, 2015 7:06 pm

That might just be interesting. I'm looking forward to seeing how that sort of mechanic might play out.

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Post » Tue Dec 01, 2015 5:39 pm

I'm 99% positive that we can inspect the 3D models of our weapons in close detail (probably in exactly the same way as in Skyrim, where we zoom in on the item in our inventory), but I'm pretty sure PCGamer was just speculating when they talked about inspect the items for wear & tear. I'd have to find the article you're mentioning. If there was item condition, I doubt Bethesda would have inspection be the only way we can measure it. And why would they only show a CND meter while you're inspecting the weapon, instead of having it with all of the other item stats?

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Post » Wed Dec 02, 2015 12:45 am

Um one of the pcgamer.com employees asked Pete Hines about CND because he saw Health for the Power Armor and he said something like what will CND be like in Fallout 4 and Pete Hines said said we won't be talking about that yet and Todd Howard hardly gave any details.

No way would Pete Hines or Todd Howard say they are not talking about it yet if only Power Armor has Health in Fallout 4. They would outright just say Power Armor is reparable or something like that.

I even sent Gstaff in July I think a Private Message (PM) about it if he can clarify the details and he said they are not talking about Fallout 4's gameplay mechanics yet, but rest assured there are a lot more gamplay mechanics than in all of the previous video games that Bethesda Game Studios has developed and will be talking about them later on.

I think October is when Todd Howard might talk about more gameplay mechanics for Fallout 4 that they have not shown and shown.

Trust me there are a few more gameplay mechanics Bethesda Game Studios has not talked about for Fallout 4 that exist that we do not even know about at all yet. At least to articles I read and the way they were worded.

As for the weapons visual inspection system I think that one was a speculation.

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