First and foremost, this post is a last chance plea to Bethesda to bring back weapon/item degradation as well as skills that were present in Fallout 3. This post is also an open letter to Bethesda and the videogame industry as a whole. If the mods deem this post as spam or if the majority of the members on these forums flame this post to kingdom come, so be it. I simply cannot remain silent about this anymore.
As many of you on these forums already know, Fallout 4 will not feature weapon/item degradation (with the exception of power armor), nor will it feature the many skills present in Fallout 3. Some of you may dislike this. Most probably don’t care or prefer these things to be gone. Regardless of how you may feel, this is indicative of a much larger issue affecting the videogame industry today, which is the casualization and streamlining of established franchises in an effort to increase market share.
While Bethesda is indeed guilty of doing this in the past (Skyrim), they are but one cog in the machine. More and more developers, often pushed by the publishers that control them, are drastically changing the gameplay mechanics and the very direction of games for no other reason than to expand their consumer base and/or shift their focus to a new demographic (casuals). There have been countless examples of this, especially within the last five years. Some franchises that come to my mind are Resident Evil, Splinter Cell, Ghost Recon, Rainbow Six, Halo, Dead Space, and Fable.
I am an independent videogame developer currently working on my first game, and if not for avenues of crowdfunding such as Kickstarter, I would never have chosen a career path in the videogame industry. The parasitic publishers that have a stranglehold on the industry, and the shareholders they serve, have run franchise after franchise into the ground, many of which were some of my favorite at one time. I remember a time, not so long ago, when developers had the creative freedom to take risks, innovate, and create new IPs. I remember when they were free to make the games that they themselves wanted to make, without worrying about targeting a specific demographic or worrying about obtaining a Metascore of 85 or higher in order to satisfy publishers with their ridiculous “Metascore clauses” in their contracts with developers. I am absolutely disgusted with the state of the industry today, and I am absolutely sure that publishers, and some developers, are to blame.
I am aware that Fallout 4 will have full mod support on PC, Xbox One, and eventually PS4, and I’m aware that it is guaranteed that some fan or fans will create mods that will feature weapon/item degradation as well as the skills that were featured in Fallout 3. However, as I’ve made clear, this issue of removing features and gameplay mechanics from games in order to expand the audience is not a practice limited to Bethesda nor is it limited to Fallout 4.
I know that my pleas will probably reach deaf ears. I seriously doubt Bethesda will add weapon/item degradation and skills for what would surely be deemed as a “negligible market share”. At the same time, I feel that I have to say something, even if it doesn’t accomplish anything. I am very passionate about the videogame industry and I am very concerned with its current state and its future as well. I hate seeing a medium that I’ve grown up with and enjoyed at its peak start to rust and decay, especially when it doesn’t have to be that way. I am sure that because of what Bethesda is doing, Fallout 4 will sell X percent more units, since Fallout is now less of an RPG and more of an open-world action game with RPG elements.
I have heard that some Bethesda employees are active on these forums from time to time. Hopefully they’ll see this post, but I’m certainly not optimistic about it, nor am I optimistic that I will change anything. If for nothing else than to satisfy my own curiosity, I’ve chosen to add a poll to this topic in order to see where the Fallout community stands. That’s all I have to say.