Weapons and armor you'd like to see added in DLC?

Post » Thu Dec 10, 2015 9:45 pm

Stealth armor that does not turn you invisible so you can't see your pip boy, and the dog gun from New World Blues so Dogmeat and FIDO can get into a barking match.
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Veronica Martinez
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Post » Fri Dec 11, 2015 1:02 am

Cowboy revolvers (.38, .357 Mag)

M4 Style assault rifles and/or chinese assault rifles (seriously, the only 5.56 rifle in the game weighs as much as an M249 SAW. WTF)

Reloading bench with hand loads would be cool to have again.

An M203 style grenade launcher attachment. I would LOVE this if for no other reason than to be able to launch my artillery smoke grenades far enough that I don't have to sneak in, throw them, and run like hell which usually drags the enemy out of the kill zone after me..........

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Kit Marsden
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Post » Fri Dec 11, 2015 9:49 am

Weapons: Better skins in general. Slim down the Gauss rifle and Plasma weapons, they take up too much screen space. Assault rifles look terrible, give me one skinned to look like a HK G36, Steyr AUG, or IWI Tavor.

- Sprtel Wood-9700 needs a comeback, when I'm firin' ma lazors I like them to be green ^_^.

- LMGs, skinned in the MG-42 please.

- Grenade/Utility Frag launcher - Allows you to cycle Flares, Synth Relay Grenades, Vertibird Signals, and all other grenades.

Weapon Mods: Laser pointer for rifles/ pistols. Reflex sight is already awesome, but laser pointer would be better for "hip firing". You could attack more quickly and accurately because you don't have to aim down sights, but at the expense that you lose your sneak/hidden status, much like the way you would if you turned on your Pipboy light during stealth.

Clothing/ Armor:

- Previously mentioned, but would like more skins that would allow Ballistic Weave to be applied.

- More skins that show skin would be nice too. Bring short shorts for the ladies ;) .

- A Chinese stealth suit with carbon fiber weave, and ability to be worn with/without helmet.

- Plate Carriers/ Molle Rigs allowing better carry weight/ and addition of armor plates.

- More skins for combat armor pieces.

Clothing/Armor Mods:

- Perhaps a Targetting HUD that can be applied to certain helmets?

Dual wielding: For pistols only, at the expense of accuracy and defense. Hello glass cannon builds.

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Marnesia Steele
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Post » Fri Dec 11, 2015 1:04 am

Thermic Lance was my favorite and wish it was in FO4.

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Amanda Leis
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Post » Thu Dec 10, 2015 7:15 pm

Weapons- That Gun, Chinese assault rifle, 10 mm mods that allow me to turn it into a rifle, grenade launcher with multiple ammo types, throwing knives, heavy belt fed machine guns, incendiary grenades, laser and plasma melee weapons or mods including bayonets, Bozar, assault carbine, basically all the weapons from the gun runners arsenal dlc from new vegas, give me my 12.7 submachine gun and my Medicine Stick
Armor- More casual apparel, goofy hats, Chinese stealth suit, more paint jobs for power armor, tesla armor, riot gear, more military uniforms, give me a knights suit of armor so I can pretend it skyrim for a bit, and allow the ballistic weave to work on other outfits instead of under armor clothing so I can wear Kellog's gear without getting my head blow off because I'm on Survival
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Hazel Sian ogden
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Post » Fri Dec 11, 2015 1:29 am

Just more varied weapon appearances, no legendary effects without unique appearances.

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Nikki Lawrence
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Post » Fri Dec 11, 2015 1:53 am

BOWS AND BOWS AND BOWS WASTELAND BOWS PLEASE WASTELAND BOWS. I'd love a bow in my game, for my stealth character, or even a juggernaut, explosive arrows would be good.

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Ross Thomas
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Post » Fri Dec 11, 2015 3:54 am

one weapon i really miss is a heavu hard hitting pistol similar as the old 12.7 pistol that van be modded with a silencer

a 10 mm pistol is a great weapon but eventually even with perks it becomes obsolete and you can not have a silencer on a 44 or enebgy weapon

so yes a high level ?werfull pistol that looks sleek and has more modding options than the 44

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Vincent Joe
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Post » Fri Dec 11, 2015 2:15 am

Have you found the Deliverer yet? You get it fairly early on in the Railroad questline, and it's probably the best option for a hard-hitting stealthy pistol, although less modifiable. Looks great too.

I think part of what Bethesda will consider for adding new weapons into DLC is what sort of gaps still need to be filled. It should totally be added, but what advantages would a fully modifiable .45 Pistol have over a 10mm Pistol? A pump-action shotgun could bridge the gap between the damage of the double-barreled shotgun and the fire rate of the combat shotgun. A 5.56mm Pistol could similarly bridge the gap between the 10mm Pistol and the .44 Pistol. Some less versatile, but harder hitting energy weapons are missing as well.

Say, it hadn't occurred to me before, but expansions are probably going to add new Legendary modifiers too. What do you think they could add there?

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Jesus Lopez
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Post » Thu Dec 10, 2015 11:18 pm

Related, but:

The ability to remove or add weapon mods on the fly rather than needing a workbench for it, provided your carrying the appropriate mod (IE If you're carrying the plasma splitter you could remove the plasma sniper mod from your plasma rifle without having to carry 2 plasma weapons or find an inconveniently placed workbench.)


Plasmabuss: The plasma equivilent to the laser musket.

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Lexy Dick
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