Weapons and armor you'd like to see added in DLC?

Post » Fri Dec 11, 2015 7:53 am

I don't want this thread to be about our opinions on the current amount of equipment variety in the game; regardless of how much is already there, we can all be fairly certain that DLC will add more. Sooo, what kind of weapons and armors would you like to see make an appearance (or return) in DLC?

For me, the list isn't complex:

.38 Cowboy Revolver (or seriously, any non-Pipe weapon that uses this ammo)

.357 Magnum Revolver

5.56mm Pistol

.45 Pistol (modded to be auto or semi-auto, because this is Fallout 4)

Pipe Shotgun (can be modded into a Pipe Pistol Shotgun, because Fallout 4)

Pump-Action Shotgun

Chinese Assault Rifle

Pulse Gun

Laser/Plasma Guns based on the designs from the first two Fallouts - I love Bethesda's designs, but the old designs were really cool too.

Tesla Cannon

Flashbang Grenade

Kitchen Knife (Can be modded into Cleaver)


Fire Axe

Golf Club

If all of these had as many mod options as the base weapons already in the game, I think it would really round out the weapon variety for me. More mods on existing weapons would be great, too, like Laser Sights, flashlights on the muzzle slot, or something to change the Flamer into an Incinerator (and maybe even switch out the fuel source to use Plasma Cartridges?... might be better as a separate weapon for that, though).

For armor, some riot gear and a police uniform would fit the layered armor system really nicely. Throw in a police paint job for Power Armor and we can live our dreams of being post-apocalyptic cops! Some fancy and formal military uniforms would be welcome as well. As for Power Armor, I'm not sure how they could implement new models of military power armor into the game with DLC... but some "domestic" models made for non-combat purposes would be awesome, like something meant specifically for construction, or exploring harsh environments like active volcanoes, the arctic, or undersea. It would make sense that they would use Powered Armor technology for non-combat applications too.

What would all of you like to see?

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Ella Loapaga
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Post » Fri Dec 11, 2015 10:01 am

If they could get a satisfying visual effect for flash bangs I would be really impressed

The Chinese rifle, Winchester rifle and lever action shotgun would be my favourites

Not sure how they would work semi auto into into commando or riflemen perks but that would be a good third option
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Joanne Crump
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Post » Fri Dec 11, 2015 4:02 am

The way it works in the base game is that anything that's made automatic falls under Commando - whether it's a 10mm Auto Pistol or an Automatic Combat Shotgun, and anything semi-auto counts as Gunsinger/Rifleman. That's why if you have every rank of Gunslinger but no ranks in Commando, you'll see a massive damage dip if you look at an Automatic Receiver for a 10mm Pistol.

I can't remember which game I played that had a really good-looking flashbang visual, but they exist. It wasn't Half-Life or Counterstrike... maybe it was Black Mesa? How could I have forgotten, I play so few shooters... maybe it was Mass Effect 2 or 3?

That reminds me, too: Stun grenades. They already have a stun effect for mods on the Security Baton, Chinese Officer's Sword, and Revolutionary Sword - just put that in grenade form!

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Kayleigh Mcneil
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Post » Fri Dec 11, 2015 8:39 am

I'd like to see more turrets. Why not sonic turrets. A weapon that causes damage, disorientation and the target to flee. Of course the game mechanics might have a problem with that because it tends to lock onto a target until it kills it or dies. Not sure if the Fallout 4 AI can hit and forget a target once it gets too far out of range. (And that range would have to be adjustable.) Grenade Turrets. You could have several different types. Why not some sort of cryo-turret. :) There are some really nasty things I'd love to see out there. Hell, bring back boiling oil!!

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sara OMAR
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Post » Thu Dec 10, 2015 10:24 pm

Several of the Call of Duty games have good flash bang grenades, so does the Splinter Cell series.

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Lynne Hinton
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Post » Thu Dec 10, 2015 8:57 pm

I'd love to see my old fashioned M4-style assault rifles again. Cause this Fo4 one has GOT to be post-war made. I mean it looks like the illegitimate child of a watercooled machine gun and an FG-42. And the level requirements to fully upgrade it are ridiculous. Its tier makes it a competitor for the Gatling Laser (a competition it gets ROFL-stomped in every time). Also the Laser Rifle, much more high tech and advanced than a mere assault rifle, is available much earlier than the assault rifle and can be fully modded at an earlier level too. Come on Bethesda, give us more BELIEVABLE bullet-based firearms.

I would also like to see the return of my beloved pump action shotty. And where are my grenade launchers? I have GOT to be seen strolling down the streets of Boston with my US Army/BoS T-60 power armor and wielding a Mk 19 auto grenade launcher.

As for armor please please let us see the return of the NV style riot armor (preferably available in military versions too). That helmet, that gas mask, that armor..........*drools*

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Post » Thu Dec 10, 2015 11:07 pm

A Grenade Launcher would be pretty sweet... could even double-dip on the Demolition Expert and Rifleman perks, like how the Fatman and others work with Heavy Gunner. As long as the ammo is as rare as something like Missiles or 2mm EC, it shouldn't be so overpowered either.

NV's Riot Armor is actually pretty true to what modern riot gear looks like, it's just they added a trench coat and gas mask. All of the padding would work great as individual pieces. I'm trying to think of what other things they could add to expand the layered armor options, but that's the only one that instantly comes to mind. You know what else from New Vegas would be great? Throwing weapons. Would work really well with the new grenade hotkey system - just instead of grenades, we'd be throwing rocks or knives. Even better if we could pick them up or loot them off corpses afterwards.

Something that Fallout's been missing so far I think, is an energy weapon that fires a continuous beam instead of a barrage of separate lasers. Something like the Gluon Gun from Half-Life would be pretty sweet. A Plasma-oriented heavy weapon, like a Plasma Caster, would be great too.

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Rebecca Dosch
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Post » Fri Dec 11, 2015 8:34 am

I want my Chinese Stealth Armor and my Elite Riot Armor

As for weapons I want my Marksmans Carbine, my Tesla Cannon, my 5.56 pistol. Anything other than pipe weapons. Also add new ones like RPG's, 9mm, 22's, Desert Eagles etc.

And bring back sensible scavenged weapons and add some like Chainsaws, Fire Axes, Kitchen Knifes, Cleaver's, Hatchets, Nail Guns, Hammers, Drills, hell add a chain as a weapon with a whip effect as well as whips for some bdsn,

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Monique Cameron
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Post » Fri Dec 11, 2015 10:54 am

You can turn plasma weapons into plasma casters i believe. I'd have to check the strat guide but i believe there is a mod that turns it into a heavy weapon (and is the only base weapon in the game that can be a pistol, a rifle, and a heavy weapon), Heck, the weapon Proctor Teagan sells you for becoming a Sentinel is called the Sentinel's Plasmacaster.

Also I know of the similarities between modern riot armor and Fallout Power armor. Its why I want it lol. Though I do believe most modern day riot gear is more focused on protecting against knives and other weapons mobs would probably use rather than a full on assault by hails of bullets. Not to say that riot gear can't handle the occasional bullet.

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Rex Help
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Post » Thu Dec 10, 2015 9:22 pm

Looking on the wiki and from my own memory of modding them in-game, they can't be made into heavy weapons. There's a Flamer barrel you can attach, but it's still held like a rifle or pistol (and uses those perks). Now, a heavy Plasma gun that can be modded to behave like a Flamer, Minigun, or Broadsider would be awesome. If they made it a Broadsider/Laser Musket hybrid where you could load more Plasma into it for a bigger boom, we'd essentially have a BFG.

On armors: Chinese Stealth Armor would be great, and if it just came with the Chameleon effect it would still be less OP than it was in Fallout 3. Enough DR and some bonuses to PER and AGI would make it a worthwhile choice against just using Legendary Chameleon armor pieces, too, although we never really needed an excuse to use "weaker" apparel if it looks cool enough. More outfits like the mercenary armors from Fallout 3 would be sweet, too.

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Isabella X
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Post » Fri Dec 11, 2015 2:51 am

Nuka-Cola Girl Spacesuit. :whistling:

(Haven't particularly been missing any guns. There are things that fill my various usage-niches, so it's fine. Not to say I'd object to more options, but I don't have any particular attachment to any specific guns. :shrug:)

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Post » Fri Dec 11, 2015 5:08 am

True, and slim enough that armor could be worn over it if need be as long as the defense of the suit isnt too high

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Tiffany Carter
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Post » Fri Dec 11, 2015 6:34 am

I want to see a Vault boy outfit and helmet, and an alien Halloween costume with mask. I would also like to see a rifle named the Assaultranator. it would be a rifle with an Assaltron head as the muzzle, and it would shoot ion cannon like laser blasts.I think it would also be cool if they introduced another alien weapon that didn't kill the enemy, but rather mutated whatever you shot into a living mini nuke, and they would run to the nearest enemy and detonate.

Nuka Cola girl outfit would be cool.

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Scott Clemmons
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Post » Fri Dec 11, 2015 8:18 am

Although there are a variety of items I would like to see, the Enclave Hellfire Power Armor definately tops my list.

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Dagan Wilkin
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Post » Thu Dec 10, 2015 9:26 pm

That Gun, Chinese assault rifles, ncr ranger/riot gear, and Chinese stealth armor please. Just better smg and assault rifle variety, like post 1925 weapons in those cases... Please haha
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Katy Hogben
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Post » Thu Dec 10, 2015 9:52 pm

more big gun.

* Plasmacaster in FNV (Not that rifle version in Fallout 4)

* Grenade launcher

* Grenade launcher machine gun

* Heavy machine gun (maybe use 5.56mm)

* better stronger minigun

* Incinarator

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Celestine Stardust
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Post » Fri Dec 11, 2015 5:21 am


1. More extensive modding for plasma weaponry, including a barrel to make it the compact version of the Winchester P94 from Tactics, modifications to make it into the classic, more powerful plasma pistol known as the Plasma Defender, and a heavy version like the original Plasma Rifle later known as the Plasma Caster.

2. Bring back the Pulse weaponry of Fallout 2 as the highest tier energy weapons.

3. Light machine guns. This also including Bozar.

4. Grenade launchers. I don't know why it didn't occur to them that these weapons should be in the game.

5. An actual Anti-material rifle.

6. More pistols, like the 14mm pistol, gauss pistol, and the god that is the .223 pistol


1. Riot gear that starts out as the normal riot gear but can be extensively modified to make it the elite riot gear and even add a trench coat for the sake of referencing the desert rangers.

2. The stealth suits in New Vegas. Starting from Christine's normal one that can be modified into the Mk II of Old World Blues. I found this to be the coolest suit of armor of any Fallout so I would love to use it again.

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Post » Fri Dec 11, 2015 6:24 am

Plasma Cannon a heavy plasma weapon - Don't tell me that there wasn't no heavy weapon that didn't use plasma energy!

Uniques (like Cryolator, Broadsider, Deliverer, Shishkebab)

- Chinese Assault Rifle
- Tesla Cannon
- Bozar
- Anti Material Rifle
- Incinerator
- maybe Plasma Cannon
- Crazy unique stuff please!

Regular stuff
- new Energy weapons
- Grenade launcher
- Carbine Rifle
- Lever Action rifle
- Pulse Weaponary
- 45 pistol ( Could be unique)
- Gamma Rile
- MORE INSTITUTE WEAPONS - they should just have crappy blue lasers! Their the greatest minds in the game and should have
Crazy weapons other then the Insitute Pistol/Rifle

List more later
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Post » Fri Dec 11, 2015 1:19 am

For the love of God bring back the anti materiel rifle! The normal hunting rifle in .50 caliber is so quickly outclassed by energy weapons that there is no reason to even use it, I want my high powered sniper back!!

Also hellfire/tesla power armor and different ammunition types.
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Jah Allen
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Post » Fri Dec 11, 2015 7:37 am

I miss these dearly and would love a return.

Weapons: Armor/clothing:

-Anti- Materiel rifle -Riot armor

-Plasma defender -Duster

-Bumper sword -Old merc outfits

-Hunting shotgun

-Greased lightning

-Tesla cannon

-Grenade APW

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jadie kell
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Post » Fri Dec 11, 2015 5:50 am

I'm ok with the weapons, add whatever you wish (a big twohanded sword could be nice) or add nothing, but I like to see tribal armor and clothing. And I'd like shields with the ability to really deflect projectiles.

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kirsty joanne hines
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Post » Fri Dec 11, 2015 7:59 am

Thiiis. My number 1 wish.




- .50 Anti-Materiel Rifle

- 20mm Anti-Tank Rifle (preferably along with more bigger enemies. Actual tanks in army days -DLC? Giant Enemy Cra- oh wait, that's already in)

- (Heavy) Machine Gun

- Heavy energy weapons that fire a heavy beam like Spartan Laser or explosive bolts in an arch (Plasma Caster did that, right?)

... You have Power Armor! You should have weapons that normally take a 2-3 man team to operate (and, uhhh, are fired from a prone position).

Weapon mods:

- 5.56 automatic receiver to Combat Rifle

- .308 automatic receiver to Assault Rifle

- More powerful receivers to Submachine Gun to keep it as a viable choice later in the game
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Post » Fri Dec 11, 2015 5:18 am

Micro turrets that you can throw out like a grenade.

Power armor that looks like it came off either a construction site, or from the first Alien movie.

A patch to make the syringer not svck.

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Calum Campbell
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Post » Thu Dec 10, 2015 10:47 pm

Stealth armor like in new world blues that just makes you very hard to detect instead of turning you invisible, I hate not being able to look at my pip boy in stealth with the synth stealth armor.
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Amber Ably
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Post » Fri Dec 11, 2015 4:08 am

a patch or a dlc, laser weapons needs a revamp. small clip size and not enough damage. plasma on the other hand, is more efficient. =)

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