» Tue Dec 13, 2011 12:42 am
EDIT: So yeah, killing time by making a table with the spacebar doesn't work. :sadvaultboy: DELETED!
Plagarized from http://www.uesp.net/wiki/Skyrim:Smithing
Quality------------------Skill Required---------|---------Effect
---------------|---Without Perk----|--With Perk------|--Armor----|--Other
EDIT: GOD I'm bored. Wish it was 5:00 so I could get back to Skyrim.
?For instance, say you have a Smithing level of 45 (with Dwarven Smithing perk), and pieces of Elven and Dwarven equipment you want to improve. With appropriate supplies, you would improve the Dwarven to Exquisite, but the Elven only to Superior.
?Values higher than 100 can be attained using "Fortify Smithing" equipment and Smithing potions, thus allowing any item to be made Epic or Legendary. With the appropriate perk, values continue to increase at the rate of about +0.2 per skill point for Armor, and +0.1 for other items.