I'm using Lucky, Cowboy repeater, Sawed off shotgun, Regular shotgun, 10mm machine gun, That Gun. (the incenerator seems to be ok as far as damage over time if i can hit them, get them burning, and run away as the fire does its damage) .
The "get a bigger gun" suggestion is actually part of my question. Up to this point i think i have the most powerful ones i could have gotten. None of the merchants sell anything better than what i have and havent come across anything that i havent picked up. Where is the best places to get better guns early(ish) game. Like i said. Just before heading to the strip in the main quest. been as far north as Boulder City and Helios...not quite up to the REPCONN headquarters.
Or am i just trying to do too much too early? Not really venturing very far off road tho
Your guns are not up to the task. I only have a 10MM Pistol still as it helps with lightly armored personell/ghouls etc. All the other ones you have I have traded in long ago.
I think if you go and visit some of the many fine implement of mayhem vendors in the area near the strip (Freeside) you might find some better toys to play with. Even up the odds if you will with some of the more frolicsome beasties. The merchants you have been to just don't have what you need.
Goody Spoiler Poke around McCarren Airport and look for the Supply Seargent in one of the anterooms.