The entire premise of BRINK is to break away from Call of Duty's iron grip on the FPS.
Asking if BRINK is like Call of Duty is a straight out insult.
Asking if BRINK is like Call of Duty is a straight out insult.
You are insulted that someone asked if this new shooter is like that other shooter? Really? Get off your high horse buddy. You are the type that give an otherwise helpful community of players a bad reputation.
A simple question about a FPS having similar weapons as another FPS (which it does) should not be met with such hate, it should be answered simply and politely and then move on to the next.
Yes Brink is attempting to go in a different direction than CoD, but its not like its a completely unique direction. It should have the same qualities that make other FPS good, if it didn't then it runs a greater risk of being bad. It should be better than CoD and TF2 because it takes the elements of those games that make them successful, improves on them, and adds its own twist to the FPS genre. There is indeed a basis to compare the two, and hell, you should consider it a good thing that Brink is being compared to what is widely considered the gold standard of the FPS genre. Like it or not the CoD franchise is the big daddy of the FPS genre and if Brink draws positive comparisons and in fact exceeds in aspects that make CoD such a popular game then we should be happy, it will mean that CoD can be bested and by a game that hopefully has better balance and teamwork aspects.