I have a question for you Mr. Sawyer (since I see you down there).
Looking at the FO wiki and pictures of the Cowboy Repeater, I'm wondering if there will be more cosmetic mods for other weapons? I love the Hunting Rifle, but it looks like it's seen better days (as it should). I wouldn't have a problem with it normally, but my NCR sniper will want something in a better state of repair as she rises up the ranks. Maybe just a mod that fixes it completely, without the duct tape and wires holding the action on? Maybe a synthetic stock? Like I said it's not very important, but with the Cowboy Repeater getting two cosmetic (perhaps functional) mods, I'd be a bit disappointed if it was the only weapon that had them. If not, I'll just keep my fingers crossed that the Hunting Rifles unique cousin is a bit prettier.
EDIT: ah crap, he left... :sadvaultboy:
If not you can always move up the tiers and grab a DKS Sniper Rifle, or even the AM rifle.
One thing I'm not clear on, and I don't think has ever been confirmed- it's been said that guns can be fitted with up to 3 modifications. However, does that mean only 3 on one gun, with more than 3 mods available, or does it mean there are only 3 mods available for each weapon?
Evidence tends towards the latter, as no more than 3 mods have been announced for any given gun. I think it would be a good idea, however, to have more than 3 mods available, because it would result in decision making in regards to your modding and make the modding system more complex.
No mods are completely cosmetic. The brass receiver for the Cowboy Repeater is the "Custom Action" mod that increases RoF. Some mods are almost pure function and they are "no frills" upgrades, but the Cowboy Repeater's upgraded action demanded a slightly fancier appearance.
Hmm, that's interesting. Good to know that purely functional mods give the appearance a boost too. So what's the maplewood stock do?