id like to throw in my 2 cents idk if somebody has covered this already seeing as i didnt read all 9 pages so no need to be a dike if it was already gone over
ok so as you all know fallout has its time and weather patterns I.E. day and night cloudy rainy and sunny well im not much of a night person usually when dusk falls upon the waste land i head for a building i can plunder or i just go back to my house and sleep mainly because its pitch black and i find exploring as well as fighting enemies or completing quests to just be iritating and annoying seeing as how i cant see more then 10 feet in front of me even with my pip flashlight on therefore i propose a flare gun,flares,or an attachment to your rifle that launches flares( thats my personal favorite) the idea is pretty straight forward and simple shoot a flare over a certain spot it lights up the area allowing large scale fire fights to happen at night instead of wandering around in pitch black and stumbling into a group of enemies and hitting the V.A.T.S and having use that method to kill them finally should it be night time and your in the heat of battle fire up a flare and your chance of a critical hit increases makes perfect sense and is reasonable
just a thought....
No worries, brother. The gunnut thread is a welcoming and happy place.
As of yet, I don't believe we have heard of any new light sources, other than your standard Pipboy. The flashlight was one of the most requested weapons mods, so we'll see if Josh put it in. As for your idea, lighting effects aside (and I mean by no means do I have any clue what it would take to program in lighting effects from a swinging flare) the idea of a flare isn't that far fetched. We have different ammo types confirmed, and one of the most used ammo types for a 40mm grenade launcher (confirmed in the game) is the magnesium parachute flare. IDK if they could do this, but it's not unrealistic.
As a side note, though, the game has probably been mastered and, I assume, is being packaged as we speak so it's a little too late for the regular game. Of course, there's always DLC.
Edit: PS, we got night vision. :thumbsup: