so I notice the new hunting rifle in F:NV is going to have a new caliber, do you think this will diminish it′s usefulness as a weapon it′s easy to find ammo for?
And if so what rifle do you suspect will be the easiest to find ammo for?
Just curious since the reason I always used the Hunting Rifle in Fallout 3 was because it used the .32, a round you almost stumble over around every corner.
Maybe .308 will be easier to find this time? In Fallout 3 only one type of gun used it, so it was rare. There was also only one "Base" gun that used .44, and also one "unique", so it was also rare.
.44 is used by multiple weapons now, and so I hear it's more common. Sawyer has described the .44 Trail Carbine as "inexpensive to feed".
That doesn't sound like the .44 I know!
.308 is already going to be in the Sniper Rifle and the Hunting Rifle. Possibly in the Garand as well. So expect it to be more common if it's feeding 3 different guns.
I imagine that 12.7mm pistol ammo and .50BMG will replace .44mag and .308 as the rare pistol and rifle calibers in the game.