» Thu Aug 12, 2010 4:54 am
I've been thinking about the weapons and there in-game use, mainly are any weapons going the way of the Scoped .44 Magnum/.44 ammo, the Fat Man, and a few others? It really was kinda annoying that there really were no raiders, mercs, ghouls, or mutants in the game that spawned with one.
When I think about some of the weapons that have been confirmed, there are a few that strike me as .44 magnumish. At least in the sense that they might not be widely used in-game. I don't have a problem with good weapons and their ammunition being rare(sniper rifle and .308), but I'm not wild about them being non-existant(scoped .44 and .44 mag).
I can understand the Fat Man, but really there isn't a reason why the rest of the weapons can't be more utilized. If anything, it will add to the challenge which lots of people seem to want.