You don't get an option it simply puts the weapon that is equipped to your right hand in the rack when activated, it won't recognise anything you have in your left hand.
When I walk up to the weapons rack there is NO OPTION whatsoever. Not with a weapon sheathed. Not with a weapon drawn. It doesn't matter. No matter what there is no option, no matter what I try to get it to recognize anything at all. This is definitely a glitch. I just hope that someone can tell me whether or not this is an issue throughout all homes.
Also, a bigger issue is dropping items and moving them.
When you drop an item on the ground and then place it somewhere, say on a table and then leave the home and come back it moves back to where you originally dropped it. Not where you placed it. If you move it a second time I think it stays. Quite annoying. This problem seems to be consistent with people that suffer from the inability to place weapons on racks. Surely, this will be patched. Well, maybe. At least I hope so... (not holding my breath).