I think TES has found a nice balance between realistic weapons and fantasy weapons in my opinion.
They are mostly all realistic weapons though, only decorated so they look more fantastic.
Yes, even 2 headed hammers are realistic; my 80 years old grandfather can take sledge hammer in one hand as if it was a pencil and knock down a concrete wall in 5 minutes as if it was made from styrofoam.
The point is, just few decades ago, average strong person was physically much stronger than today average person.
In medieval times (witch Tamriel seems to be in when compared to Earth), below average person was physically stronger than today above average person; so 2 headed hammer is not unrealistic when you think about it.
Now, was it actually used, I don't know. :spotted owl:
Anyway, I like that all weapons are mostly realistic, but I would still kinda enjoy to see a buster sword-like weapons.

Even though, I'll be fine if I don't since current ones are pretty good.
Only wish we had staffs, spears and some more kinds of weapons though.