weapons - 50 seems low; Only FO3 or also NV Weapons?

Post » Thu Dec 03, 2015 5:05 am

dont read the thread, so I do not know if this was commenting

modified weapons are really cool, but you SIMPLY can′t beat a repeater.


just.......look at this [censored] above.

I hope that moders add a quite large variety of traditional weapons.

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Post » Thu Dec 03, 2015 7:35 am

I really do not see what the fuzz is about. I can not really be bothered to look at the Wiki for the first Fallout games, but I doubt they had anywhere near 50 base weapons. Actually I did now and Fallout roughly has 40, but that includes both BB guns and the two plasma rifles. And a rock.

Fallout 2 had more as I can see, but many where indeed unique and I think we come roughly to 60 base weapons.

Fallout 3 had appearingly less, but increased the number of uniques, and NV had more of everything again. But really, how many did you really use and how many do you really need? I recall maybe three weapons used in the first two installments, and in Fallout 3 and NV is settled for whatever I felt comfortable with and what looked cool. Usually it was The Xuanlong Rfle in Fallout 3 and in NV it was the ratkiller (which was an early game weapon) and the Gobi sniper rifle. That's it.

The problem is that everybody chooses what he feels comfortable with it and suits his playstyle. The mods support that. You want to sneak, and use a gun, slap a suppressor on your weapon and profit. You might find one or two that will do more damage after a time and swap your 10mm pistol with a sniper rifle, but you will never use them both AND the super sledge, AND the laser pistol AND then equip the gatling laser and so forth. You won't. Over the course of ten playthroughs you might use all of them briefly but you will always come back to your beloved ones.

Admittedly with the grenades and maybe mines, and if the Laser rifle and pistol are indeed two different weapons that can be transitioned by mods, that leaves "only" two to four per weapon class but unique versions and/or totally unique weapons are left out here and I doubt they will fail to deliver some experimental or iconic weapons. But look at the options given two you by NV in terms of semi-automatic rifles: You had the varmint rifle, the Cowboy repeater, the hunting rifle, the brush gun, the trail carbine and most came with a unique variant as well. The options were unlimited basically. Also the tremendous amount of different calibres made the system overcomplicated. I believe three to four calibres are enough for conventional guns.

So as a conclusion 50 base weapons is more than enough, with all the unique weapons and the weapon mods in this game.

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Post » Thu Dec 03, 2015 5:14 am

My only fear is that there will be a hundred different ways to make basically the exact same gun ... which means the variants are basically pointless and are only there so some PR person can say "FO4 has thousands of guns!". Phooey. And most the guns shown so far in the crafting vid just look like pieces of junk. More like something laughable than to be feared.

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Post » Thu Dec 03, 2015 12:36 am

What I want to know is if npcs will use modded guns or only the default versions

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ashleigh bryden
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Post » Thu Dec 03, 2015 11:59 am


"Fallout 3 will have over 200 endings"

Todd Howard.

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natalie mccormick
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Post » Thu Dec 03, 2015 11:39 am

I disagree on that. Seems like it'd be easier to make a new plasma grenade if you have the grenade plasma "core" than to tear out the frag "core" on a frag grenade and stuff the plasma core in it.

At the very least, it falls under "who the hell mods a grenade?!?" Logically speaking, it doesn't make sense unless the modded part falls off the grenade to be reused later.

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Post » Thu Dec 03, 2015 10:10 am

All of this depends on what the heck they mean when they say "base weapon". Without being certain on that, it's hard to say one way or the other.

(That said, I kind of doubt that grenades & mines will be part of the modding system, instead of just basic consumables.)

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Post » Thu Dec 03, 2015 1:20 pm

Maybe mod B cant be used untill later in the game and access to mod A is possible at that point? And whats the obsession with the amount of guns in the game? I keep hearing quality over quantity around hear but everyone seems to care more about if this game has more weapons or this game doesnt have enough weapons I hope that each weapon is vastly different in mechanics and sounds from each other. Also at most I'll assign myself 4 different weapons with a character i doubt I'll even see half of them untill late in the game or untill I decide to create it myself.
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Louise Dennis
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Post » Thu Dec 03, 2015 1:37 am

What I am saying is that BGS has not disapointed me, they are currently the best open world Dev out there.

If they dedicated a large part of their very expensive E3 time slot to gun crafting, it is because they are very proud of it and think its a very impressive feature.

Saying its all PR makes no sense. No one will choose to buy this game based on them showing off weapon crafting. If they wanted to sell via PR they would load up scenes with explosions and fast paced gunplay. (Which they did)
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Post » Thu Dec 03, 2015 11:46 am

It's quite obvious what guns you can get from the Fallout App game. Look at that weapon list. That also gives us an insight into what clothing will be available in the full game.

From Fallout Shelter and the released info I would say the bases are.

-bb gun

-pipe gun

-baseball bat

-.32 pistol

-10mm pistol


-lever action rifle

-hunting rifle

-sawn off shotgun

-laser pistol

-assault rifle

-plasma pistol

-armour piercing sniper rifle

-combat shotgun

-standard shotgun

-railway rifle


-gauss rifle

-gatling laser

-miss launcher

That's 20 odd already and it seems plenty varied. And I've not found or unlocked half of the weapons in fallout shelter. It is infinitely better than borderlands gun system and will have much greater differences.

These can then all be altered to be a sniper rifle, or a shotgun, or a rifle or a pistol etc.

I would say you can tell for sure some are bases weapons. They come in a range of quality. IE rusty hunting rifle. Enhanced hunting rifle etc.

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Post » Thu Dec 03, 2015 12:45 pm

You are making the assumption that all mods can be applied to all weapons. This probably isn't the case.

As an example: You can mount a scope to a rifle to enhance long range combat, but what would the purpose of adding a scope to a baseball bat be? Long range melee?

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Chris Guerin
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Post » Thu Dec 03, 2015 3:42 am

As well as the assumption that you can only apply one mod to a weapon, when in fact there are 5 mod slots. I'm going to revise my calculations to assume that half of the bases and mods are for melee and the other half are for ranged weapons, then 20% of ranged weapons are energy and 20% are explosive (missile launchers and fat men), and 40% of melee are bladed, 40% are bludgeon, and 20% are punching (powerfists, etc)

10 base bladed melee x (140/5)^5 = 172,103,680

+ equal number of bludgeon melee

5 base punching x (70/5)^5 = 2,689,120

15 base ballistics ranged x (210/5)^5 = 1,960,368,480

5 base energy ranged x (70/5)^5 = 2,689,120

+ equal number of explosive ranged = 2,689,120

If my assumptions are somewhat accurate, then we'd have around 2,312,643,200 possible weapon combinations.

People underestimate the number of 50 base weapons and 700 mods for those weapons even when we consider exclusivity.

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Post » Thu Dec 03, 2015 10:28 am

Look at what I posted above people, the base weapon is decided by what type of receiver you put in the weapon, use a standard receiver you get one thing, put a pipe receiver in it you get something else, put a capacitor in it you get something else. After that its just what type of grip you use that decides sidearm or long gun.

Looks pretty straight forward.

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Angel Torres
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Post » Thu Dec 03, 2015 11:54 am

If you include every different variation of ending even if there is only 2 seconds difference between some of them, then Fallout 3 might have 200 endings.

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Post » Thu Dec 03, 2015 3:10 pm

Weapon mods don't count towards it being a different weapon IMO. This Assault Rifle has 5 damage per shot and this one has 6 damage per shot, so what? They're still both assault rifles. Until every single component is replaced to create something new I wouldn't call it a different weapon, just a modded version of the original. Imagine if you pulled this kind of crap with weapons in skyrim depending on their smithing level and enchantments. No, an Elven Dagger will always be an Elven Dagger. Adding an enchantment on it and smithing it to improve its quality does not turn it into a Angelic Dagger.

Same thing with mods. If only the skeleton of the weapon is based on the Assault Rifle but every organ, tendon, muscle and vein is something else 'then' it is a new weapon.

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Post » Wed Dec 02, 2015 11:47 pm

Sniper grenade launcher?

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Post » Thu Dec 03, 2015 11:11 am

But adding a beam splitter onto a laser rifle means that it is a laser scattergun not a laser rifle. Both come from the same base weapon, but have completely different game play styles.
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Post » Thu Dec 03, 2015 3:11 am

Based on the beam splitter in the previous games, it didn't change the playstyle at all..

When I play The Last of Us and I mod the one-handed shotgun to have increased spread, it doesn't change how I play with that gun. When I modded a laser rifle in New Vegas with a beam splitter, it didn't change how I used the laser rifle. :twirl:


As others have pointed out: Everything is speculation at this point. I've made my own speculation known, and I'm not going to continue arguing it.

All I gotta say is that people expecting there to be a couple hundred guns or billions of possibilities shouldn't get their hopes up, especially because a big number of the guns are going to be essentially throwaways stat wise and the same can be said about mods as Zerg pointed out.

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Post » Thu Dec 03, 2015 12:06 am

So you actually think that the laser pistol becoming 4 other weapons is eating up 5 base weapons in itself? THAT sounds pretty ridiculous to me. Think about how many other base kinds of weapons are in FO and what we've even already seen. As someone pointed out, it's extremely easy to come up with 50 "element" types going off of types of ammunition, melee weapons, unarmed (powerfist, brass knuckles, etc)

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Post » Thu Dec 03, 2015 11:57 am

You can't compare New Vegas' beam splitter to Fallout 4's beam splitter. Fallout 4's beam splitter splits the beam while reducing accuracy and range. While New Vegas' beam splitter just splits the beam and increase damage. Therefore, the beam splitter requires you to get closer to the enemy to deal decent damage. The beam splitter turns laser rifles into laser shotguns and you can't use a shotgun like a rifle.
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Post » Thu Dec 03, 2015 5:40 am

I'm gonna go ahead and base it off of my experiences with past games, but thanks anyway. I'm gonna assume it's essentially the same as the Metal Blaster in Fallout 3 which shoots 9 lasers, since it's something we have actually seen before.


By the way: I just https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f-D8KDx2_eQ and there are not 50 base weapons. They said that there are over 50 base weapons in the game.

Edit: I could swear I read a comment where someone asked what was whispered at some point in the trailer, but now I can't find it so maybe it was edited out or in another thread.. But I could swear Todd Howard whispers "I should be hot" during the pipe rifle portion.

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Post » Thu Dec 03, 2015 1:09 am

Tactical bashing duh. It's like you've never used a scoped crowbar before. :P

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Post » Wed Dec 02, 2015 11:14 pm

I'm looking forward to a Silenced Rocket Super-Sledge. Or an Automatic Powerfist, on second thought that one just sounds wrong. And of course the Sniper Ripper, when you want to tear someone something fierce but the regular Ripper is about 300m out of reach.

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Post » Thu Dec 03, 2015 12:04 am

Well, I suppose you could always cork an assault rifle too, if you wanted to, but I gotta tell you, after the chamber ruptures with the first round you shoot, you will wonder why you bothered as you pick pieces of your face up off the ground.

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Post » Thu Dec 03, 2015 2:44 pm

I, for one, want a sword with a bayonet.
"Yo dawg, I heard you like..."

Heh, nice.

I'm hearing "That should be light."


I'm reminded of this https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oRmh7wZRx6o.

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