weapons - 50 seems low; Only FO3 or also NV Weapons?

Post » Thu Dec 03, 2015 6:40 am

There actually is a rocket powered sledge hammer of some sort....

I think everyone dissing the system before we actually get to use it in game is just looking for something to [censored] about.

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Vicki Gunn
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Post » Thu Dec 03, 2015 5:41 am

lol MW2 had one of those too where is sounded like they were calling Paris Hilton a rather hurtful word :rofl:

You know, I see these kind of comments all over these boards as of late and it's just funny how it runs both ways. You have people speculating certain things and when it's not in absolute praise of Bethesda or doesn't conform to one's viewpoint then it's merely whining (more the word you used).

I mean, any skepticism at all is seen as taboo or "dissing" as of late, but people think it's perfectly fine to write off those opinions as "dissing" or just looking for stuff to complain (more your word) about. :confused:

The other really funny one is where people can't be skeptical or form any speculation that isn't in absolute praise of Bethesda's games and they're told they're straight up wrong or we haven't seen enough to form an opinion or what have you. Then those same people making those claims will say the game is a masterpiece or a 10/10 or the best thing since sliced bread based on the same footage that other people aren't allowed to form opinions on :shrug:

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Amanda Furtado
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Post » Thu Dec 03, 2015 3:04 pm

Yeah, I do. Not necessarily 5, but probably three at least. It might be easy coming up with 50 "element" types but that has no bearing on whether Bethesda did it or not. You think ammunition type matters when one of Bethesda's guns is "Assault Rifle"?

Let's see, I'll do a very rough estimate: we've seen 7 melee weapons, 4 explosive weapons and 2 miscellaneous (Junk Jet and Minigun). We've also seen Laser, Plasma, Cryo, .308, .38, 5.56, .44 and "Combat Shotgun". That leaves us with 37 base weapons across these weapon types. I think there will be another 3 or 4 weapon types though, so 37 divided by 12 weapon types equals 3 weapon types per base "element". Meaning the Laser Pistol, Laser Rifle and Laser Sniper Rifle are all very likely to be considered discrete "base weapons", rather than just the Laser Pistol being a base on its own.

You can call it ridiculous but as I've said I just think you'll be disappointed.

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Post » Wed Dec 02, 2015 11:25 pm

Yeah it kinda seems like you're the only one picking and choosing which can and can't be base weapons based on.... what? I'm still not following your "reasoning". We actively see the laser pistol being turned into 4 different weapons. But now you're being choosy and saying "oh but it might only count for three base weapons or so" lol

Oh and I'll also point out a big part of your statement just now. "We've seen"... let that sink in a sec... Ok. So we've seen less than a half an hour of predetermined footage, that, by their own admission, was created to not give out spoilers.


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michael danso
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Post » Thu Dec 03, 2015 7:53 am

I'm not sure why you think what I'm suggesting is so outrageous. What's "silly" in my view, is thinking that we've seen less than half of the "50 base weapons". And yeah we've only seen "half an hour of predetermined footage". But that footage was predetermined, and I bet my bottom dollar that they decided to showcase the majority of the weapons they have on offer.

And yes, we see the Laser Pistol get turned into four different weapons. What's to say that each of those four weapons isn't considered a base weapon themselves? We know that we can turn a Laser Rifle into a Laser Pistol and vice versa. I'm honestly not sure how many times I can explain it.

Or maybe I should just follow the crowd and believe anything Bethesda tells me and attack anyone who says different.

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Amanda Leis
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Post » Thu Dec 03, 2015 2:03 am

lol alright. it's clearly not worth arguing with someone who thinks like that. they don't want to spoil the story at all but they'll show the majority of the weapons in the entire game? I'll take that bottom dollar of yours in a couple weeks

following the crowd and believing anything Bethesda tells you would be just as bad as being illogical only to go against what has already been presented

what cause do you even have to believe they're trying to fool us? actually you know what, I don't even wanna know lol I'm just gonna laugh at whatever [censored] reason you've got. adios

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Taylor Thompson
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Post » Thu Dec 03, 2015 4:41 am

There will without a doubt be more weapons in FO 4 than 3 or new vegas.

Lets agree settle on that and be happy. Honestly it doesn't matter if its 200 or 2000 weapons it will be plenty and it will be more than we had ever before.
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XPidgex Jefferson
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Post » Thu Dec 03, 2015 7:45 am

From what I've seen... thank God it's only around 50 base weapons. From all the scrap you can do to each of them I'm sure my brain will bleed after I finally perfect a single rifle...look at the clock and realize I just spent 2hours doing so and I'm late for work. And to top it off I'll realize there's a different mod and have to start all over again.
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Post » Thu Dec 03, 2015 12:49 am

The info about the Fallout 4 Beam Splitter is from the E3 Video. With no muzzle, it has 203 range and 77 accuracy. However with the beam splitter, it has 179 range and 36 accuracy. If the Metal Blaster has 50% accuracy compared to the laser rifle, then a Scattered Laser Rifle is similar to the Metal Blaster.

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Post » Thu Dec 03, 2015 2:11 am

Lol, I don't understand how someone can get so sensitive about discussing a game on a forum.

In any case, I can't wait to see what combinations I can get with all the new modifications. Customising my Hunting Rifle or Laser Musket is gonna be sooo good.

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Post » Thu Dec 03, 2015 8:12 am

I fail to see the reasoning behind calling a Laser Rifle a base weapon when it is a modified Laser Pistol.

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Laura Cartwright
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Post » Thu Dec 03, 2015 2:53 pm

Laser Rifles have always been a staple of the Fallout franchise. You could argue that a Laser Pistol is a modified Laser Rifle.

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Jade Muggeridge
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Post » Thu Dec 03, 2015 12:04 am

It's not a point of contention, it has clearly been shown in the reveal trailer how the Laser Pistol gets modified to a Laser Rifle.

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Post » Thu Dec 03, 2015 11:28 am

But does that mean the laser rifle isn't cons
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Sara Lee
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Post » Thu Dec 03, 2015 1:42 am

Tho one should take it with a pinch of salt, but folks watching the quakecon demo did describe seeing a "laser shotgun"

That plus the fact the mod ads the prefix "scattering" to a weapon suggests it doesn't work like previous games, but does indeed make the rifle act like a shotgun.
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Jessica Raven
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Post » Thu Dec 03, 2015 12:14 am

I do not see why people argue here. I really don't. I mean look at Fallout 3 energy weapons, what did we have? Laser and Plasma pistols and rifles (each came with at least one unique variant though). That's it. Only with all the DLCs out we got to a point where we had a tri-beam, a gauss and a tesla rifle. In fallout 2 and especially 1 we did not even have that.

So why all the fuss about a base game that might only have four different energy weapons? That can however be modified in a way to mimic other base weapons we had in other installments. Maybe the tri-beam or whatever. In a year or so we will likely have two or three DLCs out each with a new set of guns and then we can see, if or if not there are fewer base weapons than in previous games. And then we can talk about whether the diversity is enough to fulfill any niche one might have.

However I have problems with all the crafting stuff, fearing that weapons might become so random, if you can mod every pistol into a sniper rifle and make a shotgun shoot plasma balls or smiliar if you get my drift. I would rather have specific weapons with specific uses, i.e a pistol has a certain effective range and a sniper rifle has terrible hipfire. Modding your weapon should rather enhance the base role, diminish a disadvantage that comes with a trade-off (i.e longer barrel for the pistol but then worse hipfire), or offer another bonus (suppressor).

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Post » Thu Dec 03, 2015 4:12 am

What do you mean with cons?

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Patrick Gordon
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Post » Thu Dec 03, 2015 1:38 am

Hahaha sorry, on my phone and it messed up.

What I meant to say is just because the laser rifle can be created by modifying the laser pistol doesn't mean it is considered some sort of sub-weapon in the "laser pistol" category. Hope that makes sense.
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Jade Barnes-Mackey
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Post » Thu Dec 03, 2015 4:02 am

When Bethesda said 50 base weapons some people believe that each seperate energy weapon counts as a base weapon, so Laser Pistol is one. Laser Rifle makes two. Laser Sniper makes three.

If that is true than it's nice that we have all different, and new, kinds of laser weapons. But we only have 47 more weapons left, previous Fallout games had more weapons than 50 so that would mean a lot of previous weapons are now complete gone. Or that is what these people believe.

Ah okay. I'm not a native english speaker so i thought i just didnt understand you.

Anyway, we don't know how Bethesda defines a "base weapon". But just because it's name is automatically changed doesnt mean it's an entirely new weapon, it's a laser pistol with a modded longer barrel and a stock.

Take the Pipe Pistol for instance, add a stock and the game changes the name to Pipe Rifle. That's a new base weapon? But if you add a large magazine the game also changes the name to High-Capacity Pipe Pistol. Or add a bayonette and it's a Bayoneted Pipe Rifle.

Are these then also base weapons because the game defines the weapon with a different name? Seems like these automatic name changes are just done descriptively. To quickly give the player an idea on how this weapon functions, and what characteristics it has.

Look at the reveal trailer when they are fiddling with the Laser Pistol. At some point they have a Focused Laser Rifle. Then they only change the stock from a full stock to a standard grip and it changes into a Focused Long Laser Pistol. That stock is the difference between what the game defines as a pistol and a rifle.

That is why i have such a hard time believing they are two seperate base weapons when they are literally one simple modification apart from eachother.

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Leilene Nessel
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Post » Thu Dec 03, 2015 7:40 am

With all this focus/speculation on the new weapon crafting system, I wonder if this means the death of blueprints to be found in game to make totally unique weapons. Really gonna miss the Dart gun & Railway rifle or at least variations of them :unsure2: Although the Rock-It Launcher seems to have made a come back as the Junk jet, so maybe hope.

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Tiffany Carter
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Post » Thu Dec 03, 2015 12:04 pm

Ah I get it now. Well that is a curious thought. But honestly I daresay that the probability leans more towards what I and many other people here think and I would not worry too much if I was you.

Even if the laser pistol and the rifle count as two different base weapons. The sniper laser rifle, or the scattergun will likely not be counted as different base weapons, simply because you still need the same "base", meaning the reactor or whatever that makes it spit laser beams will still be the same. So I would say that as a base weapon, do not count the laser pistol, but the thing that puts the laser into the pistol as a base.

This works accordingly with the pipe pistol and the plasma pistol and so forth.

That being said, even if you are right, I would not worry too much, because I doubt they would deliberately leave out some iconic weapons of the franchise. Imagine no power fist, hunting rile or no 10mm SMG. The iconic weapons of the franchise alone make up 30 slots or so. That means two or three different weapons per class. This only means that there might not be as many new weapons remastered in this game like the Chinese Assault Rifle or the 9mm SMG. Maybe only as uniques like the .223 pistol in NV, which is, on the whole, not a bad apporach either.

People tend to leave out the options of the unique weapons.

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Nitol Ahmed
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Post » Thu Dec 03, 2015 1:21 am

Well, I would consider the change of the "main" name (Pistol -> Rifle) to be a more meaningful change than adding "Bayoneted" or "High-Capacity" to it. Regardless of all this "base weapon" speculation.

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Jani Eayon
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Post » Thu Dec 03, 2015 4:25 am

I hope I can craft a gun like NV's This Machine! That was a great gun. I love how it went PING when reloading.
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Quick draw II
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Post » Thu Dec 03, 2015 8:48 am

But surely adding a long barrel, a focus and a scope are more meaningful to the weapons performance than a stock? Which we could see in the video modifies the accuracy positively, and the weight negatively.

Add a scope, a beamfocus and a long barel, it's a focussed long pistol. Add a stock and it's a rifle. Based on that i don't think pistol to rifle is really a more meaningful name change. Just descriptive.

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Catherine Harte
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Post » Thu Dec 03, 2015 3:37 pm

Well it's meaningful out of a perk perspective.

I'm sure you can make a decently powerful semi auto rifle, but I suspect without the ping, as I suspect most guns will feed from magazines, not clips like "This Machine"
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