I seriously think people are misunderstanding the 'base weapon', especially those that are...wow, making it sound like they're '50 base element' weapons, such as, example:
I mean honestly, do you know how ridiculous that sounds? How are you gonna get 50 weapon bases in that sort of lineup? That sounds nearly impossible and almost sounds like 'too good to be true' of a situation.
Apparently they never heard of a mod that can transition a base weapon to ANOTHER base weapon, which obviously changes the weapon category to another section, a TRANSITIONAL mod, if you will. for example, You have a Laser pistol With a long barrel and some modifications, yes? As soon as you put that half-stock/full stock upon it, the Laser Pistol will transition into a Laser Rifle, bam. That's it. It's no longer a laser Pistol, but a new Base weapon. Sniper Rifle and Scattergun might as well be considered base weapons as well, possibly, as they change the entire weapon drastically.
So if this part is true, this means:
Some of those mods aren't REALLY mods but a tool that allows you to change a base weapon to another, which is meh, I can get plenty of those at the merchants Bethesda will most likely have scattered all over their game world.
It's also obvious that some of those mods are nothing more than 'filler', basically mods that you can make, but why bother, when a lvl.4 mod of the same type has better stats and doesn't do any overall appearance changes to the weapon (Different color, doodads upon it to show how 'badass' it is, etc.).
So short story is: Don't try to get overhyped by this, it reasonably sounds like there's a 'meh' amount of weapons and a 'meh' amount of weapon mods that really has it's number over-inflated.