Comparing the variety makes it seem as if the devs are getting lazy...
Morrowind's weapons:
Oblivion's weapons:
Morrowind's armor:
Olivion's armor:
As for the weapons and armors added in the expansions of both, Morrowind had a total of 7 more weapons and armors added...
Just though I'd make a forum asking the community's feeling on this issue. For me personally I think that the actual creation of these weapons and armors and their implementation of them into the game should be relatively easy and not too time consuming... As I'm sure everyone would agree more variety (not overkill) equals more play-styles which equal more re-playability and more fun! I'd also like to see these weapons and armors found in certain dungeons and locations pertaining to their certain levels rather than the absolutely horrid scale system Oblivion had (where you would have to reload 5,000 times before you went into a dungeon to get a specific item). I'm smiling as I type this remembering scouring Morrowind far and wide obtaining a full Daedric set and the sheer joy I felt when I finally beat all the bosses and locations to have the privilege to done the set... Now that's something I want to feel in Skyrim! Give the gamer an experience where he is constantly seeing and learning about new weapons and armors as he explores the world like in Morrowind!
Some ideas:
- Make more head pieces and shields for the more higher level armors (EX: Morrowind Daedric helms and shields having three different styles) More variation = more fun!
- Have armor visually wear out corresponding to its health... Give it a few dents and scratches if I have 50% armor health (It would go back to normal if you repaired it).
- Dragon scale armor for Skyrim!
- Return of medium armors rather than just light and heavy! More variety and styles of play! (Don't insult us by dumbing it down)
Sorry that there is no pole for armors, there are just too many to list from Morrowind! Please share your favorite armor you would like to see return in the forum

What do you guys think?
(We don't know about the crafting and smithing system for Skyrim so some of this may be resolved in the system)