Weapons on walls. You bet ya. I figured out how to attach weapons on walls but when I tried to post a link to the pictures this forum denied it. If anyone is interested then I can post details in written form...which would svck LOL
Weapons on walls. You bet ya. I figured out how to attach weapons on walls but when I tried to post a link to the pictures this forum denied it. If anyone is interested then I can post details in written form...which would svck LOL
I will message the link to someone then they can post it.
I sent the link to http://www.gamesas.com/user/113588-ishmaeltheforsaken/
Thanks. If you reload the game then the weapons will fall but for the mean time, you can get some sick screenshots in, or just let the weapons sit on the conduits too. later I am going to try to play with some clipping with the conduits and see if I can't make it permanent. Good luck guys.
Also let me know if it works for anyone else.
I see what you did there! Same physics that are used to make 'floating' platforms. VERY clever! Kudos to you!
Thanks brah, but I am wondering if it also works for others. Also does anyone else know of other ways to do this? because right now it won't stay there and falls if you reload.