[RELz] Wearable Lanterns (Thread 2)

Post » Wed May 22, 2013 12:50 pm

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Wearable Lanterns 2.2a is now available.

http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/22986 is now available! A classic returns! Pick up and use the over 1400+ Candle Lanterns throughout Skyrim. Or, craft your own!

Lanterns for Guards is now available! Adds carried lanterns randomly to guards throughout Skyrim. For more information, continue to read this page, or http://pastebin.com/raw.php?i=iyiCYLkD to view a separate read-me.

While the majority of users do not experience any issues while using Script Dragon, there have been a handful of bug reports in my other mods that point back to Script Dragon interfering with certain script events, either immediately or much later in your playthrough. Using Script Dragon with Wearable Lanterns is currently not officially supported. For more information, http://www.gamesas.com/topic/1355668-rel-script-dragon-topic-6/page__st__120__p__21320431#entry21320431.


For a full patch history, please see the read-me, or click the read-me link on this page ( ( ! ) icon)

  • Upgrade Procedure (2.2 -> 2.2a): No special procedure. Just upgrade and go. This is a very minor update that fixes the "floating lantern" issue when the player dies and reloads. There were no changes to the plugin or scripts.
  • Upgrade Procedure (2.1 -> 2.2)[/b]: If you have followers, dismiss them and save your game. You do not need to make a "clean" save. Load Wearable Lanterns 2.2, load your save game. Then, Wait 24 hours in-game. After that, throw away your old copy of the Manual of Lantern Care and go buy a new one. After that you should be all set.
  • Improvements have been made to the troubleshooting functionality of the Manual of Lantern Care. Please use this first before reporting a bug. To report a bug, see the bottom of this page.
WARNING:This mod is incompatible with other hand-held lantern mods. Please see the Compatibility section.


Adds a craftable, wearable, Travel Lantern that can be hooked onto your belt, or carried in your hand! Or, catch a torchbug in a Torchbug Lantern! Let it light the way in dark dungeons while you keep your hands free during combat and adventuring.

The lantern's placement on the belt was inspired by http://i.imgur.com/bH7aj.jpg. Not a great screenshot, but you get the idea. It also heralds the visual style of http://theworldwentaway.files.wordpress.com/2011/04/dragons-dogma-08.jpg, even though I didn't intend it at the time. The way you use your lantern (held or worn) can be changed by simply dropping your lantern. See below.

This mod was inspired by a thread on the Bethesda forums, started by Iradiated BOXES, who asked if such a mod already existed. It seemed that it didn't, and I figured it would be simple enough to whip up in a few hours. After putting out the initial version and seeing how much interest there was in something like this, what started as a 3-hour project turned into a 3-week journey of adding features and squashing bugs. It is now one of the most comprehensive lantern mods available. Enjoy!

How To Get The Travel Lantern

Travel Lanterns can be purchased from almost any general goods vendors, and some smaller vendors on occasion.

A Travel Lantern can also be crafted by combining a Lantern (misc. item) and a Leather Strip at a Forge. Lanterns (misc. item) can also now be crafted with 2 iron ingots at a Forge, in case you have trouble finding one.

The lantern hooks onto your belt on the back right by default. To change the position of your Travel Lantern, simply drop it. A menu will appear allowing you to select how you want to use your Travel Lantern. It can be equipped to the Front Right, Back Right, or Held.

How To Get The Torchbug Lantern

To obtain a Torchbug Lantern, purchase an Empty Bug Lantern from most general goods vendors. Then simply equip it, and walk very close to a torchbug. You should catch it in your Lantern automatically. (Don't click it, or you will just harvest the thorax instead). Your little glowing friend will now live in your Torchbug Lantern and produce light for you when you need it.

If you are a http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/4955, you can also catch the Fireflies added by 101BUGS to get a Firefly Lantern, which produces red light!

The Torchbug Lantern hooks onto your belt on the back right by default. To change the position of your Torchbug Lantern, simply drop it. A menu will appear allowing you to select how you want to use your Torchbug Lantern. It can be equipped to the Front Right, Rear Right, or Held.

Followers and Lanterns

Your lantern can be given to a follower, and they will use it under the following circumstances:

  • When outside: at night (between 7PM and 7AM)
  • When inside: when not in a "safe" location (houses, inns, farmhouses, and so on). They will use it in crypts, caves, dungeons, etc.
  • Sneaking: Your follower will turn off or put away their lantern shortly after you begin sneaking.
You will be given a new dialogue topic: About your lantern.... Using this will allow you to change your follower's lantern position without having to take it from them and change it yourself.

Because of a recent Skyrim update, you may have to save and reload your game once for the Follower dialogue option "About your lantern..." to appear.

If you use Ultimate Follower Overhaul (UFO), Amazing Follower Tweaks, or Extensible Follower Framework, lanterns can be given and used by your followers.

UFO: All followers.
AFT: All followers.
EFF: First 15 followers.

If your follower doesn't seem to use the lantern you gave them, try dismissing and rehiring them.

Lanterns for Guards (Optional Add-On)

Lanterns for Guards is an add-on for Wearable Lanterns that adds carried Travel Lanterns for guards to use randomly throughout Skyrim. They will have as much chance of carrying a lantern as they do torches, so you'll see them sprinkled throughout the game. (They will only carry lanterns, not wear them.) As a side effect of modifying a leveled list (see Compatibility section), you will also see slightly more Travel Lanterns for sale in the Misc items category wherever torches are sold.

Advanced Features

Wearable Lanterns now has several advanced features, which can be turned on. Purchase a copy of the "Manual of Lantern Care" from most general goods vendors, and read it. This book serves as your configuration system for your lanterns.

  • BRIGHTNESS: Select between 4 different brightness settings for Travel Lanterns and Torchbug Lanterns. Travel Lanterns default to brightness level 2; Torchbug Lanterns default to brightness level 1. They can be adjusted independently.
  • AUTOMATIC MODE: Travel Lanterns only. Sets Travel Lanterns to behave like their Follower counterparts. Will turn on/off based on the player's circumstances. This will allow you to continue to wear your lantern without having to unequip it to get it to turn off. Torchbug / Firefly Lanterns will not do anything differently in Automatic Mode, this applies to Travel Lanterns only (you can't exactly "turn off" a bug).
  • AUTO-DROP LIT LANTERN: On by default. If carrying a lantern in your left hand, if you equip a shield using a hotkey, you will automatically drop your lantern to the ground. When you pick your lantern back up, it will automatically re-equip itself to you. You don't have to go through your menu, open your inventory... none of that. Pick it up, boom, you're back to adventuring. You can also configure a "Pick-up preference" to favorite what equip position picked-up lit lanterns should default to.
  • OIL BURNING: An optional feature that makes your Travel Lantern require Lantern Oil to work. Lantern Oil can be purchased from most general goods vendors, even smaller stores and stalls. 16 oz. of Lantern Oil will last 16 minutes (real-time). Your Travel Lantern is automatically filled just by having it in your inventory when the Travel Lantern is equipped. When unequipped, unused Lantern Oil is returned to your inventory.
  • TORCHBUG FEEDING: An optional feature that makes your Torchbug Lantern require flowers (for their pollen) to remain happy. The happier it is, the brighter it glows! 4 flowers will keep your torchbug happy for 16 minutes. Thistle, Lavender, and Mountain Flowers (all colors) can be used to create pollen automatically as necessary. You will automatically feed your torchbug if the pollen / flowers are in your inventory.
  • DIMMING: An optional feature that will cause your Travel Lantern or Torchbug Lantern to begin to dim as it runs out of Lantern Oil or pollen. Requires Oil Burning or Torchbug Feeding to be turned on to have any effect.


Wearable Lanterns:
REQUIRES Skyrim 1.7.7 or newer.

Lanterns for Guards:
REQUIRES Wearable Lanterns 2.1 or newer.
REQUIRES Skyrim or newer.


Just use the Nexus Mod Manager and enjoy.

Lanterns for Guards: If you opt for the No BSA version of Wearable Lanterns and/or Lanterns for Guards, you may get a message warning you about overwriting the following files:


These are OK to overwrite. They are simply a copy of the lantern textures that are packaged with Wearable Lanterns. For compatibility reasons I needed to redistribute them with this add-on as well.

Intended Behavior

The following items are not bugs.

  • The lantern may clip slightly with maces, and with some armors (most notably Iron). There is not much I can do about this.
  • It may take up to 4 seconds for the lantern to light when Oil Burning / Feeding is enabled. This is normal behavior for now.
  • It may take up to 5 seconds for your follower to put away their lantern, including while the player is sneaking.
  • It may take a second or two for the light / flame effect to disappear when unequipping any lantern.
  • When using Dimming, you may see the light sputter or blink when the lantern is switching from one brightness level to another. This is normal behavior and unavoidable.

Known Issues

  • Because of a recent Skyrim update, you may have to save and reload your game once for the Follower dialogue option "About your lantern..." to appear.
  • Followers added by Dawnguard are not yet supported.
  • Incompatible with other carryable lantern mods.
  • Worn lanterns still do not flicker in a fire-like way, which I'm looking into.
  • The Travel Lantern world object does not have the oil burner assembly inside.
  • Dwemer Oil integration will be added in a future release.
  • Lanterns for Guards: You may need to start a new game, or play for quite a while, to see guards carrying these lanterns if loading a save-game. This is because they are added with a Leveled List, and that list is only evaluated once when the actor is spawned (usually when you first encounter them). Such is the nature of leveled lists. Forcing them to respawn by whatever mechanism (killing them, and so on) can also work.


  • "Is Wearable Lanterns compatible with Bandoliers?" Yes. Please read the Compatibility section.
  • "Can you make Wearable Lanterns compatible with Bandoliers?" It already is.
  • "Do my lanterns affect my ability to sneak?" Yes. You should unequip your lantern when sneaking. Followers will automatically turn off their lanterns shortly after you begin sneaking (about 5 seconds).


"I put the Travel Lantern away, but it's still producing light!"
Open the Manual of Lantern Care (available at almost any general goods vendor), and select Configure -> Troubleshooting -> Stuck Light. Let it fix the problem for you.

"I put on the Travel Lantern, but it doesn't produce any light!"
Open the Manual of Lantern Care (available at almost any general goods vendor), and select Configure -> Troubleshooting -> No Light. Let it fix the problem for you.

"I can't find the lanterns or Manual of Lantern Care for sale anywhere."
Try waiting 24 hours in-game to allow their stock to replenish.

I would like to report a bug. How do I do that? Please see "How to Report a Problem", below. Failure to follow this procedure will result in a deleted or downvoted post. Feedback, general questions, and requests are always welcome and do not require a report.

"I switched my lantern to hand-held, but now my lantern has disappeared from my inventory!"
No it hasn't, it has just moved. Your lantern is now in the Miscellaneous item category. That is how Skyrim categorizes hand-held lights.

"I use Ultimate Follower Overhaul / Amazing Follower Tweaks / Extensible Follower Framework, but my other followers won't use their lanterns."
Try dismissing and rehiring the followers in question.

"I used the book to configure brightness, but when I pressed the back button, it didn't work, and I can't exit the menu."
This is a bug caused by a much older version of the mod; you probably upgraded recently. To fix the problem simply drop the book and purchase a new one at a shopkeeper.

"There are no lanterns for sale, and when I craft one, nothing works at all! Help!"
Try using the "No BSA" version. You may have issues reading script files from BSA archives, which is the way the regular version of the mod is distributed. You may also need to upgrade your copy of Skyrim. I currently only support Skyrim or newer; please update your game if necessary. Please also refrain from using Script Dragon, as that has been known to cause issues with my scripts executing under certain conditions. SKSE is fine.

"I equipped my lantern, and my arm played a weird animation / I teleported to some other location!"
You are using another usable / carryable lantern mod. There is currently a direct compatibility issue with these mods. I am working with other lantern mod authors to help try to resolve this. Please see the Compatibility section below.

Lanterns for Guards: "None of the guards use lanterns!"

Which guards use a lantern instead of a torch is entirely random; your experience will be completely unique. A guard can select to have a torch, a lantern, or neither, when he is spawned into the world for the first time. You may need to start a new game to see the full effects of this add-on.

Lanterns for Guards: "I looted a lantern from a dead guard, but when I checked my inventory, it wasn't there."

You are not using Wearable Lanterns 2.1 or newer, which is required.

Lanterns for Guards: "I equipped a lantern I looted from a guard, but I played a strange arm animation and I teleport somewhere whenever I exit an interior."

My script that swaps the "loot" lantern with the "player" lantern failed to run. Verify that you are using Skyrim version or newer. Also verify that you are not using Script Dragon, which has been known to cause certain events in my mods to fail to trigger. If you continue to experience this behavior (you play a "table pick up" animation when equipping a looted Travel Lantern), roll back to an earlier save before you installed the Lanterns for Guards add-on and refrain from using/looting Travel Lanterns from guards.


Using Script Dragon with Wearable Lanterns is NOT SUPPORTED and can result in broken behavior from the outset or many hours into your playthrough, with no way to resolve the problem. You have been warned.

Full compatibility with all mods that edit vendors, including Economics of Skyrim. I use scripts and aliases to stock all items at general goods stores. I do not edit the actual vendor chests themselves.

IMPORTANT: Incompatible with other lantern mods that add hand-held carryable lanterns. I am working on a compatibility system for these other lantern mods in collaboration with their respective authors. I will have more info on this soon. If you choose to use another carryable lantern mod, you will experience strange animation problems when equipping lanterns (either in my mod or theirs, depending on your load order), as well as being teleported to seemingly random locations when the lantern is equipped or unequipped.

Worn lanterns use Slot 55 (back right) and Slot 57 (front right), the same as http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/16438 back/front packs respectively, which equip to the same location. If you're going to ask me to "make this compatible with Bandoliers", in my opinion, it already is. I don't want lanterns and packs clashing / clipping horribly with each other, and I think it makes sense to be able to only equip one thing to a given location on the body. If you don't agree, then you and I have different definitions of compatibility. I am not going to change this; do not ask. To be clear: In my opinion, this mod is compatible with Bandoliers.

Lanterns for Guards: Should be compatible with other mods that alter guards. I did not modify guards or their inventories directly.

Lanterns for Guards: I modify one "vanilla" leveled list: LItemTorch50. This will seed guards throughout the game with lanterns, as well as additional lanterns for purchase at vendors (under the Misc section). I figured that this would have the biggest impact on the game (nearly every guard in the game uses this list to decide whether or not he has a torch or lantern) while minimizing my incompatibility footprint.

Recommended Mods

I highly suggest you use http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/4955 by 83Willow. You will be able to catch her unique Fireflies to create a Firefly Lantern, which will emit a red glow. You can still enjoy 83Willow's HD Torchbug retexture and create Torchbug Lanterns without using 101BUGS.

How To Report a Problem

I take every bug report seriously. Because of that, I need you to help me out by providing me as much information as you can. This mod is easy to use, but complicated to build. Commenting "I tried this and it didn't work, why is that??" is not going to help me solve your problem, and just wastes my time and the page's space.

In the comments or in a PM, please copy and paste the following templates into your post, and fill out all applicable fields. I will not respond to "please help me" posts that do not follow this procedure, and simply delete them or downvote them to Oblivion. You have been warned.

Feedback, general questions, and requests are always welcome and do not require a report. Just try to be smart about when a full bug report would be helpful to me, and when it wouldn't be. Thanks.

Bug Report
Exact Skyrim Version Number(ex:
Description of Problem or Potential Conflict:
Where were you when this happened?:
What time in game was it when this happened (if applicable):
How reproducible is the problem (one time, occurs on demand, etc):
Do you use a script extender such as Script Dragon or SKSE? Which version?:
Any other information you may think would be helpful:

Final Words

Thank you to the folks in the Bethesda thread (http://www.gamesas.com/topic/1375303-lantern-on-waist-mod) for the ideas and for motivating me to do this fun project. Thank you to everyone that has helped me beta-test this mod; it wouldn't be nearly this stable and well-developed without your help.

I'm pretty pleased with the results. I hope you are, too. Enjoy!
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Post » Wed May 22, 2013 11:59 am

Hello everyone. Long time no see.

I am working on Wearable Lanterns 3.0. It will feature:

* Greatly improved and optimized script code. I am refactoring things now. The original main script was 4700+ lines long. It is now 2600 and dropping fast.

* New paper lanterns that can be worn or carried. Consumes oil, if oil burning is turned on. Requires Dragonborn.

* Candle Lanterns of the North will be integrated into the main Wearable Lanterns mod.

* Greatly improved reliability. I really just didn't understand how quest Aliases were maintained internally and what their persistence characteristics were in the past. Now, I do. You shouldn't have any more instances of the lantern just "not working".

* Full SkyUI Mod Configuration Menu support.

* Optional oil / pollen level widget for SkyUI users.

* Fixed the bug related to multiple bottles of lantern oil in your inventory causing the oil to be used too quickly.

* Add the missing firefly in a jar mesh to the BSA.

* Improved follower support.

* Fix several issues related to papyrus log errors.

* A couple of other features I don't want to mention in case I don't get around to them.

Stay tuned, this is being actively worked on now. Thanks.
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Post » Tue May 21, 2013 9:12 pm

Thanks Chesko cant wait for the update...I use my wearable lanterns quite a bit and thanks to you for creating this wonderfull mod in the first place.

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Post » Tue May 21, 2013 10:14 pm

Great to see you back to update this mod!
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