What do you mean by killing my char anyday? No one can stand against the power of Ares Padayn, The Dark prince, The Son of Sithis, Bastard of darkness, Eater of Little Children and The Fluffy one.

Nah he doesn't fit this type anyway. Been there done that.
But since the other great ones are gathering (excluding the person above me) and the hag-dragon goddess Illusionary herself, Im considering joining.
And I think this will turn out good, if well played but I dont know how... I've had and still do have that other thing to do + school so I might not be on much or at all so... Yeah. Been away a while and Im bored and rusty. Im a maybe with this joining bit.
Here's a crude sheet because Im too lazy to update the bio, but it's a pointer.
Name: Adeth
Nickname: w/e
Race: breton
Age: 16
Birthsign: the atronach
Focus:Uusally magic.
Main skills: destruction, rstoration, alchemy, blunt weapon,alteration
Class: Or a brief description of your characters main occupation
General apperance: skinny, weak looking, extremely pale (gets damage from the sun). his face is gauntish with shallow cheekbones, has dark bags under his eyes as if he has'nt slept for days. his adam's apple is clearly visible and somehow making a sound not placeable on the weak looking boy.
Hair: cheek length hair and some going over his eyes
Eye Colour: blue with a slight purple tint
Height: 155cm
Tattoos/Scars: a small crescent moon shaped scar on the right cheek (of unkown origin)
Mental Description: quiet, and there's a scent of maturity about him. he's wise from some experiences he has had early in his childhood.adeth makes poems which usually are the same as his feelings included in an image of the mind. adeth's not bitter at what has happened in his life, but he's grateful and still eager to know more. he rarely makes friends and is kind of odd.adeth also does'nt have much sence of humor and rarely smiles.
Primary weapon: a quarter staff, the same height as he is
Secondary weapon: none
Clothing/Armorr mostly worn: a dark robe with a deep hood, black pants, boots and glowes. mostly covering his skin so he wont burn in the sun.
Clothing/Armor least worn: spare clothes similar to what he has
Inventory: a mortar and a pestle. a note book, ink and a quill.
Misc: some few coins and ingredients for restorative potions.
Bio: adeth does'nt have much of a memory about his parents, not a single one. he was always an outcast of the place he lived in, other kids always bullying him and the few crushes he had always betraying him in some way. from year to year, until he turned 12. a breton woman came for him and took him with her. he was introduced to alyssa, which adeth came to know as his big sister.
adeth has also been more knowledgeable of his situation. since only pure beings are allowed, and his skin and clothing looking like what it is, people call him a vampire or a vampire's bastard son. people judge by looks...
If that's ok.