» Fri May 27, 2011 5:31 pm
First I want to say Thank you for this wonderful mod. Am currently setting up a new installation and used version 097 during the last few weeks, without any problems (doing lots of playtesting, starting a new game every time). I didn?t even install the skydome-fix, it just didn?t seem necessary. Unfortunately, I?ve apparently found a bug using the new version:
About 2 hours ago I upgraded to v.098, did some playtesting again (note: every time a new game!), fast-travelled around a bit to test things out, as usual - but arriving in Anvil the skydome was pink; not the whole sky, but rather kind of a huge pink arch covering about 2/3 of the sky (don?t know whether this is the same bug that the "skydome fix" of version 097 was meant for, but anyway, this is version 098 now...)
I entered Anvil, thus switching cells completely (am not using Open cities), but inside it was the same, sio my guess is that it?s related to a specific weather type (??). After exiting the game, I started again, loaded a savegame, fast-travelled around a bit, and this time I had the same problem near Bravil... (Anvil was fine this time).
In both instances the weather was clear & sunny, though with many cumulus-clouds. I?m using every option of AN (the EW+NW+AWS-version, Real Lights + Weather filter; without compatibility patches though, because I?m not that far yet).
I?ve made some screenshots in case it helps, but maybe the explanation is clear enough, and besides I don?t know how to put screenshots up here :wave:
Again: I?ve certainly replaced every file from 097 (which worked fine for weeks now) with the new version. The only other change I?ve made since then (together with upgrading AN to v098) was upgrading OBSE from v18b4 to b5.
Any idea?
Short EDIT: Did some more skipping around (and seen some more beautiful weather types), couldn?t reproduce it a third time so far; seems to be a very special weather type/ constellation. Oh, and I forgot to mention that since my last tests (without problems, i.e. with v097) I not only upgraded to v098 and OBSE 018b5, but I also added some night sky texture (the one from "Fire & Ice ver.2), but that shouldn?t create any issues during broad daylight, no?
General question: How & where do I have to upload images/screenshots, so that I can insert them in my post (as far as I?ve seen I can only insert an URL)?