Still a quick question, please forgive: Do I HAVE TO select one of the several folders "02" included? I need 00 Core, sure, and I want to try out 01 Real Lights but I'm unsure if picking a "02" is essential. I could not decide anyway which of the "02" I should be using even if I HAD to select one, and I'm afraid the big one with EW + NW + AWS.esp may slow down game FPS. Is there an acclaimed favorite among those 3 weather mods? Otherwise I'm happy to start with selecting no "02" folder at all.
Thanks for a brief comment.
You don't have to pick an 02. If you pick no 02, you get only vanilla weather types. None of the 02 choices will slow down your game. I'd recommend EW+NW+AWS for the most variety, but you can experiment by trying one at a time. You are welcome for the brief comment.

I also think a standalone Real Lights option would be a good idea so Real Lights only people don't have to use the large main .bsa...course why would people NOT want to use full All Natural??? Mental insanity is the only reason I can think of!!!