[WIPz/RELz] Weather: All Natural

Post » Fri May 27, 2011 10:20 am

Original All Natural, up to version 0.6, by Chong Li.
All Natural 0.7 through to present by Wrinklyninja, Arthmoor, and Brumbek.


All Natural combines a robust custom weather system that allows the use of weather types from all existing weather mods with custom versions of Natural Interiors and Real Lights in order to provide the greatest weather/environment experience possible. The three segments of All Natural will be explained below:

1. Custom Weather System

The cornerstone of All Natural is unique weather system that includes a new regional weather script to keep the weather synced on interior/exterior switching and when fast travelling and a variety of optional features to help enhance and customize the user's weather experience. All Natural also allows you to choose from only vanilla weathers or from some or all the weather types from Natural Weather, Atmospheric Weather System, and Enhanced Weather.

2. Natural Interiors

Natural Interiors was originally created by Wormheart, and its purpose was to make it so interior locations such as houses and guilds would be affected by the weather outside and time of day, and to make it so interior locations had weather sounds inside very similarly to the original “Weather Inside” mod. To accomplish this, interior windows were made transparent and the sky outside now matched the exterior weather and time of day. The result is you can look out an interior window and see a sunset, stars, etcetera and also have the interior lighting level change based on it being sunny, cloudy, nighttime, etcetera, plus you can hear rain/storm sounds from within.Sadly, Natural Interiors was never finished and had some issues. However, All Natural now includes an improved and expanded version that cannot be found outside of All Natural. Also, the Natural Interiors segment of All Natural cannot be separated from All Natural, so you must use All Natural in full to benefit from the Natural Interiors segment.

3. Real Lights

Real Lights was an incredibly ambitious project by Josef K. which aimed to replace all the fake lighting (invisible lights with no actual light source) with real lights with real light sources. For example, with Real Lights locations have candles or other light sources that emit light instead of generic white light coming from mid-air.Sadly Real Lights was abandoned long ago and has some issues with save game bloating. However, the mod has now been included in All Natural and has been recently updated to fix all the problems it previously had. The All Natural version of Real Lights is the most updated and safe version of Real Lights and no one should use the older stand-alone version. The Real Lights segment of All Natural is the only segment you can actually use independently, so even if you want to use, say, Enhanced Weather, you can use the Real Lights plugin from All Natural. Instructions on how to do this are included in the installation section of this guide.

http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=18305 v0.9.8 @ TES Nexus
http://www.moddb.com/mods/all-natural-weather v0.9.8 @ ModDB

A patch for Nascosto Isles to bring the sky coloration in line with the values used by All Natural is included, as is one to preserve compatibility between The Ayleid Steps and All Natural - Real Lights. Patches for Kvatch Rebuilt and Gates To Aesgaard 2 are also supplied, as is a filter patch for a large number of popular mods.


Change Log:

Beta 0.9.8

* Patch included for Gates to Aesgaard (episode 1) to adjust the weather properly.
* OMOD installation script fixed.
* Fixed the skydome texture that was turning pink for some users.
* Fixed the floor in Rosethorn Hall (skhouseupperint04.nif) that was messed up due to a faulty mesh.
* Real Lights work fully completed in all dungeons and other interior cells.
* Fixed non-transparent windows in the Temple of the One for the post-MQ model.
* Added visible decorations outside the windows of the Temple of the One interior.
* Fixed SI weather sticking or changing to the wrong weather type.
* Fixed scripts preventing weather from changing while waiting/sleeping.
* Optimized weather scripts for Tamriel and SI.
* Fixed All Natural changing the weather in new worldspaces and their interiors.

Beta 0.9.7

* Many improvements and tweaks to Real Lights, too many to list. In general, the entirety of the Imperial City, Anvil, Bravil, Bruma, all sewers and caves below the Imperial City, and some scattered other places nearby like Vilverin.
* Full Shivering Isles weather support (but no natural interiors support for SI yet).
* Fixed Imperial Temple interior graphical problem where the city outside the windows was way too high up and would look wacky when jumping.
* Added full Natural Interiors support for Kvatch Rebuilt by including edited meshes in the archive and updating the filter patch to include Kvatch Rebuilt. Make sure to install the .esp, meshes, and use the filter patch to make Kvatch Rebuilt work as intended.
* Fixed bugs in GaussianNumberGenerator function.
* Fixed bugs with weather script, including IC district transition not being detected and weather remaining stormy in kvatch after the battle.
* A couple of bugs fixed in SI weather script to do with New Sheoth detection.
* Minor aesthetic changes to the console output of the init scripts.
* Added patches for Kvatch Rebuilt and Gates To Aesgaard 2, both fixing bugs in the mods that break the weather in general. These patches may hopefully be merged into updated versions of both quest mods in the future.
* Added variable weather volatility for Tamriel and SI and parameters to ini.
* Added timescaled weather functionality which is buit-in and controlled by the above feature.
*Fixed the following mesh:

* Fix the following SI meshes, as above.
Architecture\City\Dementia\DementiaInteriors\DementiaHouse01Interior.NIFArchitecture\City\Dementia\DementiaInteriors\DementiaHouse01InteriorTop.NIFArchitecture\City\Dementia\DementiaInteriors\DementiaHouse02Interior.NIFArchitecture\City\Dementia\DementiaInteriors\DementiaHouse02InteriorTop.NIFArchitecture\City\Dementia\DementiaInteriors\DementiaHouse03Interior.NIFArchitecture\City\Dementia\DementiaInteriors\DementiaHouse03InteriorTop.NIFArchitecture\City\Dementia\DementiaInteriors\DementiaHouse04Interior.NIFArchitecture\City\Dementia\DementiaInteriors\DementiaHouse04InteriorTop.NIFArchitecture\City\Dementia\DementiaInteriors\DementiaHouse05Interior.NIFArchitecture\City\Dementia\DementiaInteriors\DementiaHouse05InteriorTop.NIFArchitecture\City\Dementia\DementiaInteriors\DementiaHouse06Interior.NIFArchitecture\City\Dementia\DementiaInteriors\DementiaHouse06InteriorTop.NIFArchitecture\City\Dementia\DementiaInteriors\DementiaHouse07Interior.NIFArchitecture\City\Dementia\DementiaInteriors\DementiaHouseInn01Interior.NIFArchitecture\City\Dementia\DementiaInteriors\DementiaHouseInn01InteriorTop.NIFArchitecture\City\Dementia\DementiaInteriors\DementiaHouseLower01Interior.NIFArchitecture\City\Dementia\DementiaInteriors\DementiaHouseLower01InteriorTop.NIFArchitecture\City\Dementia\DementiaInteriors\DementiaHouseLower02Interior.NIFArchitecture\City\Dementia\DementiaInteriors\DementiaHouseLower02InteriorTop.NIFArchitecture\City\Dementia\DementiaInteriors\DementiaHouseLower03Interior.NIFArchitecture\City\Dementia\DementiaInteriors\DementiaHouseLower03InteriorTop.NIFArchitecture\Settlements\HouseDementia01Interior.NIFArchitecture\Settlements\HouseDementia02Interior.NIFArchitecture\Settlements\HouseDementia03Interior.NIFArchitecture\Settlements\HouseDementia04Interior.NIFArchitecture\City\Mania\LCManiaHouseInt01.NIFArchitecture\City\Mania\LCManiaHouseInt02.NIFArchitecture\City\Mania\LCManiaHouseInt03.NIFArchitecture\City\Mania\LCManiaHouseInt04.NIFArchitecture\City\Mania\LCManiaHouseInt06.NIFArchitecture\City\Mania\LCManiaHouseInt06Top.NIFArchitecture\City\Mania\LCManiaHouseInt07.NIFArchitecture\City\Mania\LCManiaHouseInt07Top.NIFArchitecture\City\Mania\LCManiaHouseInt08.NIFArchitecture\City\Mania\LCManiaHouseInt08Top.NIFArchitecture\City\Mania\LCManiaHouseInt09.NIFArchitecture\City\Mania\ManiHouseINT01.NIFArchitecture\City\Mania\ManiHouseINT01UP.NIFArchitecture\City\Mania\ManiSmity01INT.NIFArchitecture\City\CityWalls\SESacellum ArdenSulTowerInterior.NIFThe following meshes together form the Palace halls:Architecture\Palace\Interior\PalaceCourt01.NIFArchitecture\Palace\Interior\PalaceCourtAlcove01.NIFArchitecture\Palace\Interior\PalaceCourtConnector01.NIFArchitecture\Palace\Interior\PalaceCourtEnd01.NIFArchitecture\Palace\Interior\PalaceCourtEnd02.NIFArchitecture\Palace\Interior\PalaceCourtEnd03.NIFArchitecture\Palace\Interior\PalaceCourtEnd04.NIFArchitecture\Palace\Interior\PalaceCourtEnd05.NIFArchitecture\Palace\Interior\PalaceCourtSteps01.NIF

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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 11:50 pm

Gah. I said I'd have that bug fixed yesterday, but I didn't expect how difficult it would be to accurately detect if an interior is in Tamriel or not. On the plus side, I have made a few other small optimisations, but still no luck. :( Hopefully I can think of something today.

EDIT: OK, I think that I can restrict the Tamriel script to not affect other worldspace interiors by adding in a check for the last parent worldspace. For every non-interior in a Tamriel city worldspace, this will return the tamriel worldspace, so you'll know that you're in tamriel. I'm not sure what it will return if you're actually in tamriel, but I suppose I could make it an 'or' and then check to see if you were in the Tamriel worldspace last. It'll probably mean some changes to my worldpace switch detection, but that's the best I can think of.

EDIT: Code written, I managed to replace the not-so-universal climate change detection with the worldspace switching detection, and added in a check for the last exterior worldspace, so the script can tell if you are in an interior in Tamriel or not. The only exception to this would be if you fast-travelled to an interior 'in' a new worldspace, and until you exited into the worldspace, the script would try to apply weather changes. However, this will stop as soon as you enter an exterior in that worldspace.

Of course, that's how it's supposed to work. Actually working is a completely different thing. :P I shall have to do lots of testing.

@ Arthmoor: Do you know what mod Vargr was talking about when he reported the bug? It would be best if I could test the fix in the same environment.
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Jaki Birch
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 12:48 pm

@ Arthmoor: Do you know what mod Vargr was talking about when he reported the bug? It would be best if I could test the fix in the same environment.

I think you mean me, actually, and it was found in a beta version of AFK_Weye, which I'd be more than happy to pack up and give you a link to if it would help. Alternately, you can replicate the environment by creating a new worldspace, giving it the ThunderstormClimate, then creating any random new interior in that worldpsace and giving it a load door, and use a load door to get to the worldspace itself from Tamriel.
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Fiori Pra
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 10:58 am

Whoops, a case of mistaken identity. Anyway, I tested it on Windfall, which is a separate worldspace, and everything seems to work fine there, AN will refuse to touch the weather outside of Cyrodiil, which is good. :)

I want to have a quick look at the SI weather script, see if I can improve anything there, and then I'll be done. I doubt I'll change anything in the SI script though, it is horribly complicated.
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Sarah Unwin
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 6:27 pm

Whoops, a case of mistaken identity. Anyway, I tested it on Windfall, which is a separate worldspace, and everything seems to work fine there, AN will refuse to touch the weather outside of Cyrodiil, which is good. :)

I want to have a quick look at the SI weather script, see if I can improve anything there, and then I'll be done. I doubt I'll change anything in the SI script though, it is horribly complicated.

Is the download now on the website the fix omod? if so awesome
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WYatt REed
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 3:41 pm

That download has been there for ages. I don't know what it's state is, but I still recommend that you wait until the next release.

I need to test my fixes some more (had a quick panic with weather changing), but I'm going to see Avatar with the family. Hopefully I should get the testing in tonight though.
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Daniel Holgate
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 6:29 pm

That download has been there for ages. I don't know what it's state is, but I still recommend that you wait until the next release.

ok sorry I wait you do great work
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Lexy Dick
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 1:52 pm

ok sorry I wait you do great work
Enjoy the movie I herad it is great looking forward to your .098 all natural omod up date thanks for your hard work
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 12:27 am

Heh. I completely forgot I could have poked around in Windfall myself since it would have replicated the conditions closely enough.

Avatar is an excellent movie, I'm sure you'll love it.
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 12:33 am

Heh, I already saw it once, the rest of the family wanted to go again, so I went too. Glad I did, storyline may be simple and almost cliche, but it's well handled, and the graphics are just amazing. It really got the graphics side of me thinking, but perhaps more of that in the OGE thread.

Anyway, I decided to pretty much rewrite the first 1/3 of the SI script, and I've incorporated the changes made to the Tamriel script there too. I also re-worked the fast-travel detection system to be more intuitive, and noticed something while doing this: no matter how long you wait/sleep for, the weather will never change when you wake up. Would you like this to be as the fast-travel is, so that the weather can change while you wait/sleep?

I'm going to start testing SI now, Tamriel seems stable, hopefully my changes will hold, and if I'm lucky I'll fix this weather getting stuck bug too.

EDIT: OK, looks like the instability in SI is confined to the palace grounds. New Sheoth works fine, and inside the palace acts as one big neutral ground, which isn't what I'm wanting, but it's a good start. Out in the grounds the weather is a bit unstable though. It's better than it getting stuck, and in a way does mirror the whole madness theme, but I'd prefer it to do that while doing what I want it to do. :)
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kristy dunn
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 10:19 pm

Would you like this to be as the fast-travel is, so that the weather can change while you wait/sleep?

I vote yes please :) I enjoy a lot of realism mods in my game, including Duke Patrick's Basic Hypothermia which makes Inns and taverns actually useful. After a few pints and a nap, a chance for clearer weather would be welcome.

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john palmer
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 2:15 pm

OK, done that then. Unfortunately, I can replicate the 'stuck on stormy' bug without fail and I have no idea why this is happening. I think I need to get some sleep. I'll try again in the morning, or actually later on this morning...
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Samantha Wood
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 10:06 am

Pokin in to say hi, check the progress, and confirm the Avatar delisherz-ness. Eye candy, mmmmm. Totally worth seeing in IMAX 3D if you can! Story was mediocre at best (way too cliche/White Guilt?) for me, but the atmosphere and eye candy (especially the dog-like things in the beginning) really make it worthwhile to see.
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Amy Masters
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 5:39 pm

Would you like this to be as the fast-travel is, so that the weather can change while you wait/sleep?

Yes. As long as the length of time you wait/sleep exceeds what the script had picked for the time between weather changes.
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Danii Brown
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 6:34 pm

I would like to request Enhanced Weather - Darker Nights option, if possible :angel:
I use version 0.9.5, waiting for 0.9.8 before I update.

Keep up the great work :foodndrink:
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Rebecca Dosch
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 8:30 am

Huh? What do you mean by that? You can already get the darker nights with the Enhanced Nights optional feature, which operates exactly the same way. If you're wanting a darker nights plugin, not a chance, I'm afraid. It's just massively too much work.

I've added in the sleep/wait weather changes, which will only happen if you do so for longer than the time until the next weather change as chosen by the script.
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XPidgex Jefferson
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 3:31 pm

Thanks wrinkly! Looking forward to the new version!
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Britta Gronkowski
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 8:28 pm

I got a strange issue. Vanilla is quite too bright for me (so thanks for darker nights option) so I installed Let there be darkness and it looks good.
Now when I install All Natural 0.9.7 everything becomes pitch black (see screenshots). Is this a problem with the Real Lights component of All Natural?
Any other ideas?

Load order corrected with BOSS and all bash tags set correctly (hopefully).

Vanilla Oblivion: http://img5.imagebanana.com/view/ezyxg89/Vanilla.jpg

Let there be darkness: http://img5.imagebanana.com/view/uvsqwjr/Lettherebedarkness.jpg

Let there be darkness + All Natural 0.9.7: http://img5.imagebanana.com/view/8k1yfyke/AllNaturalLettherebedarkness.jpg
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RUby DIaz
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 9:51 am

No, that's the idea with Real Lights. In vanilla, the whole scene is bright. LTBD takes away the ambient light, leaving the static lights beth placed. Real Lights gets rid of any light anywhere that there isn't a light source, as in that scene. There is no reason why that second picture should have a bright bit in the next room, there is no source for the light, so Real Lights removes it.

In short: you might want to carry around a torch or two. :)
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RAww DInsaww
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 5:56 pm

:shrug: beats me I couldn't see a damned thing in any of your shots.
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AnDres MeZa
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 10:28 pm

No, that's the idea with Real Lights. In vanilla, the whole scene is bright. LTBD takes away the ambient light, leaving the static lights beth placed. Real Lights gets rid of any light anywhere that there isn't a light source, as in that scene. There is no reason why that second picture should have a bright bit in the next room, there is no source for the light, so Real Lights removes it.

In short: you might want to carry around a torch or two. :)

Thanks for explaining and this wonderful mod!

Then I will get some torches :)

The only thing I don't like about the pitch black LtBD + All Natural is that the circle of light around the player is quite low . So in a medium sized hall with equipped torch
I have only light for about 2-3 m but I think this can be handled with brighter torches.

Looking forward to the new release:)
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 4:52 pm

Phew, I've spent pretty much the whole day ripping up the SI weather script and related quests trying to figure out where the instability is coming from. The good news is that I seem to have fixed everything but rainy weather selection, which is still bypassed for some reason. The bad news is that I've almost run out of ways that it could possibly be breaking. :brokencomputer:

For New Sheoth, I'm going on immediate weather changes as you change district, so if you have a stormy weather in Dementia, and you go through to Mania, it will immediately be a Mania weather, no transition. It's easier this way, and it lets users spot any bugs that may be there more easily too. I'll probably change this to a smoother transition like what should be happening in 0.9.7 for a future version.

EDIT: YES! Fixed it.
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Heather Stewart
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 11:44 pm

great job man, can't wait to see the next version of AN :)
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Avril Churchill
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 10:16 pm

Thanks for explaining and this wonderful mod!

Then I will get some torches :)

The only thing I don't like about the pitch black LtBD + All Natural is that the circle of light around the player is quite low . So in a medium sized hall with equipped torch
I have only light for about 2-3 m but I think this can be handled with brighter torches.

Another good idea is to get http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=16282.

This means you can drop your torch on the ground and use it as a temporary light source(s). Invaluable with LtbD and Real lights, otherwise when you go into combat in almost all circumstances you have no torch, and it becomes pitch black! Having a torch when dungeon trawling is a must, but you also need the light when your hands are full with weapons/shields.

And as a bonus that Drop Lit Torch mod has an .ini file which allows you to adjust the torchlight radius to your liking :D
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^~LIL B0NE5~^
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 9:02 pm

I'll second that recommendation, it's what I use, and definitely is a must have with LtbD and Real Lights, as Vargr says.
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Janette Segura
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