I took a run through Elsweyr Anequina today. The weather correctly transitioned from the raging thunderstorm in Leyawiin to a nice bright sunny day in the desert southwest, to a raging sandstorm once I got closer to Dune. So that much appears happy.
The problem arose when I ducked into an interior in Dune, poked around for a bit, then exited. I was greeted by the original thunderstorm I left behind in Leyawiin, and a weather transition was immediately called that brought back the sandstorm after I stood around and waited for it. It's not a fluke either, I've been able to repeat this through several different interiors in Elsweyr.
The second bug came when I decided to leave the area. I hiked out through the western backlands into what would be Valenwood. That http://img193.imageshack.us/img193/474/screenshot385v.jpg followed me clear out to Anvil. Once I crossed the water from where the pic was taken up to the main shoreline SE of the city gate, the weather transitioned BACK to the thunderstorm.
It looks to me like we need some kind of detection for when you walk out of Anequina to the west. I haven't tried going north out of the desert yet to see what it'll do.
Not sure what can be done about that sandstorm following for so long, it's not exactly a quick hop to cross Valenwood.
The first bug is tricky because you're in a seperate worldspace with the Tamriel one as its parent, but you're not in Cyrodiil, but there's no way of telling this directly. I suppose I could add a check for the last result of the cell check, but since you're coming out of an interior, that will also be true, so I'm going to have to fix that to be false first, but then all I've got to go on are the last worldspace parent, which will be Tamriel, and is not helpful since it's a repeat of the initial problem, and the last cell check, which is the same.
In short, it's a pretty much unsolveable problem. The only solution I can see would be to totally stop the progression of the weather script past the first few lines when the player leaves Cyrodiil, and only start it again when they enter it again.
The second bug is because the weather script doesn't check when you leave Elsweyr, only when you enter Tamriel again, because that's the only (country?) with a clearly defined border and a region that encompasses all of it, and the weather script is supposed to be a general case thing, so it would work if you're travelling in other regions too. I would guess that the sandstorm followed you to anvil because the region stops at the water's edge, and before that there was no other weather regions specified by vanilla, so the weather just stayed.
To fix that universally would require me to draw regions out for each country(?) and then add in checks for each to see if you've moved between any two of them. It's going to take a few more checks and variables, but I think that's acceptable for a more complete solution. I'm not going to do anything about the no region on the water at Anvil, because it's not really worth it, if I get the above checks in it shouldn't be noticeable.
And as for the weather transitioning back to the thunderstorm, that's because when you go back into Tamriel, the weather script starts processing again, and selects the last weather you had applied by AN. I suppose I could tie this into the time to transition next, so if you've gone past it, it selects a new weather.
I think I may be able to salvage something from the solution to the first bug, but that would result in the second being unsolveable, but thankfully it should also result in the fixing of the last bug. The second bug isn't really a problem with AN anyway, it's due to a lack of vanilla weather information beyond the borders of Cyrodiil, and I'm not really that fussed over it.
Everthing's fine, when set to 30 it's gone pretty fast.
I could implement another setting into Enhanced Transitions to deal with the Kvatch Thunderstorm and Oblivion Gate weathers, which both have very short transition times, so need their own catagory, and this would let you control transitions so you don't have to change your timescale. I'll add that in for the next version.
I also just realised that we don't have anything for when the player enters an interior with an Oblivion storm outside. I'm not sure it ever occurs, but if anyone knows of a situation in which it does, I'll add a check and a weather to get it inside too.