[WIPz/RELz] Weather: All Natural, Thread 21

Post » Tue Dec 28, 2010 10:52 pm

i want to point out something that i now think could be a serious problem. when i start the CS i noticed i get an error that the "chunk size" of one of my mods is too big (513) when the max size is 512 and that the data was therefore truncated. i looked on google and discovered that someone else experienced a similar error in morrowind, and they posted that the results of this error were so bad that they had to start over. their post:

Chunk size 10 too big in chunk WEAT_ID in form REGN_ID Max size is 8, data truncated

It killed any idea of loading this mod.I've gotten
that one before in a mod,and had to yank the entire game out,then put it,and all 194 of my mods back in place.
So,with that thought,sadly,I'll pass on DLing this mod.

also, i've noticed that my bashed patch had over 10,000 entries with FCOM on the first install i did where this mod was functional. now the bashed patch is only reporting about 2600 entries. i think that something is very wrong. i will unfortunately try to get to the bottom of this and post any discoveries.
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Post » Tue Dec 28, 2010 9:45 pm

512 is the size allowance in the description field for a mod. One of the mods you have has a description that's too long for the field. I just ran into this with the UOP and the new tags we're adding to it and had to cut a line from the description in order to fit them all and avoid that error.

Since none of the All Natural files have excessively long descriptions, this mod can't be to blame for that. The CS would obviously be complaining to me about it if it were. All Natural also does not edit any region data, so that error has nothing to do with us.
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Epul Kedah
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Post » Tue Dec 28, 2010 9:00 pm

is the over 512 chunk error what is causing the mod to not work?
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Kathryn Medows
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Post » Wed Dec 29, 2010 10:39 am

@ far327: Did you get the updated pack Brumbek uploaded somewhere? That had a fix for something, could be the window bug you've come across. :shrug:

@ Proteus: It's becoming clear that whatever your problem is, it isn't with All Natural. Go through your mods and find out what's gone wrong, and either fix it or remove the offending mod. Once you've fixed it, if you're still seeing All Natural bugs, then report them.

@ all: I've been pretty busy IRL, remind me again what open issues with the weather there were, that I had not already said were fixed? (I know about Oblivion weather, got to fix that still) Hopefully I'll get a bit more time soonish, once I get a hold on things, and I can get back to work on this.
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Maya Maya
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Post » Wed Dec 29, 2010 11:08 am

Thanks :) I must of downloaded right before he updated to release 2. Here is the post link for anyone else looking for it...


I'll let you guys know if the purple windows are still there.
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Post » Wed Dec 29, 2010 12:30 pm

Hi guys. Thanks for an awesome improvement to my game.

Quick question, and I'm sorry if it's been answered elsewhere: I've PyFFIed my vanilla meshes and I have them installed via a BAIN archive. Given that the AN meshes are in a BSA, will the game go for the files in data\meshes\ or will it find the AN meshes in the BSA? Should I unpack the BSA, or is there some other trick I can use to make sure the right meshes are used?
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Post » Wed Dec 29, 2010 3:49 am

AN redirects the static paths in the plugin to use */allnatural/*, so you won't have a problem. The replacements are kept in a completely different place for that reason.
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Post » Tue Dec 28, 2010 11:07 pm

purple windows are gone inside player home in chorrol. thanks
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Vicki Blondie
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Post » Wed Dec 29, 2010 4:08 am

I love this mod; the weather especially is gorgeous. But I'm having problems. I installed it and it worked well for a while, but then my game got screwed up and I had to restore my files and revert to an earlier save game. Now I can't get this to work. I install it according to the instructions; I use B.O.S.S. to order the files; I install with OBMM and use the Bash Patch in Wrye Bash. I'm not using the Real Lights component. I can't figure out what I'm doing wrong. The game works fine when All Natural is deactivated, but either I've made a mistake or it's interacting with something else I have running. (I play with a lot of mods.)

When I start the game after installing the mod, I can move around fine indoors and play as normally. But once I step outside, I go a few steps, hear an error alert, and the game becomes unresponsive. I can move, but I can't access the menu or my inventory, and I can't activate anything. The only way out is through qqq in the console. If I keep moving much longer, I get a CTD. Also, I sometimes have seen missing, pink, or black textures. I tried the weather debug ring. A couple of times it told me that the weather was 38EEE; another time it was 38EEC. I tried standing still until the percent went up to 1.00, but that didn't make a difference. I'm completely clueless about this. Does this scenario sound familiar to anyone? I keep thinking there must be something simple that I've overlooked. Thanks for any help you can give!
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Post » Tue Dec 28, 2010 11:38 pm

I forgot to mention that the only conflict OBMM showed with All Natural was one item with Dibella Temple and Willow Lake Village. I disabled that mod but that didn't help.
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Post » Wed Dec 29, 2010 8:00 am

hi again wrinklyninja!

i found the problem! i disabled all 15 mods i had running at the time and discovered that every single time i activated Oscuro's Oblivion Overhaul 1.33 Complete OMOD, even after a fresh re-install, new bash, new everything, the the interior cells in the majority of my game would lose their climate from your mod. installing frans and warcry (can't install mmm before ooo for fcom) and bashing both of them, your mod still worked for me. this was exciting news. can you offer any insight as to what is happening as far as ooo is concerned in this process? perhaps ooo is also altering the interior cells somehow. i have tried simple solutions such as waiting a few days as recommended after installing the overhauls to see if the climate was restored, that didn't work.

i wanted to point out to you also that obse version 17 leaves behind a obse_editor 1.0 file in the oblivion directory, and if this file isn't removed by the user, it causes problems. it was clumsy oversight on part of mine, and removing it fixed my fast weather bug.

realize this may not be for the all natural weather, but can you use experience of yours to confirm if i am bashing correctly? i ensure merged patches, leveled lists, import cell (with your mod filter) is check, ok? as there could be problem with how i am making bashed patch. however, i suspect ooo is causing the problem directly. i cannot locate good thread like this to express such concerns
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Post » Wed Dec 29, 2010 9:57 am

If OOO has the C.Climate flag on it, remove that and rebuild your patch.
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Breanna Van Dijk
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Post » Wed Dec 29, 2010 11:12 am

purple windows are gone inside player home in chorrol. thanks

Thanks for testing the meshes out far327. Let me know if you find any other issues.

@All: Chorrol Mages Guild is now 66% done. Ran into some issues that are going to take a bit of time to fix but it'll be great once it's done. Anyway.
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Post » Wed Dec 29, 2010 9:11 am

@ Proteus: You're not Importing Cells from All Natural.esp. That's why you don't see the weather effects indoors, because without the import, OOO will override All Natural's changes. OOO doesn't have the C.Climate tag, so that must be it.

@ Xandra: You've got something else majorly wrong. There's no way that All Natural can cause all those problems. Make sure you're using the latest OBSE v18 beta.

@ Brumbek: Good news. :) Take your time, I'm currently swamped by Real Life, and there's still a couple of bugs I've got to fix.
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Post » Wed Dec 29, 2010 9:35 am

@ Xandra: You've got something else majorly wrong. There's no way that All Natural can cause all those problems. Make sure you're using the latest OBSE v18 beta.

I was afraid of that. Since the crashes happen when AN is activated, I was just hoping that someone had seen this before so I'd know where to start. :brokencomputer: I'm running OBSE 18 beta 6. I guess I'll try deactivating all the mods and build up from there.

Anyway, AN is an amazing mod. The weathers are beautiful, and the coordination between indoors and outdoors makes Oblivion an entirely new game. I love the time of day lighting indoors. I wish I could use Real Lights, but my computer can't handle it.

Best wishes on completing your to-do list! :)
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Post » Wed Dec 29, 2010 9:50 am

@ Proteus: You're not Importing Cells from All Natural.esp. That's why you don't see the weather effects indoors, because without the import, OOO will override All Natural's changes. OOO doesn't have the C.Climate tag, so that must be it.

And let there be light! So simple mistake!!!! Why did I do this to myself? Hehe, thank you!
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Post » Tue Dec 28, 2010 10:59 pm

I have been real busy IRL (in real life) and am just getting back to some Oblivion time, I know it has been a while. I am in the process of attempting to figure out the compatibility problems with AN 0.98 and S&S? and BC weather inside bug that would make the weather turn into heavy rain whatever the weather was at the time, and then cut out completely and wouldn't work again until you re-loaded a game WITH the weather inside working before it copped out.

Hope that's a good description of the problem anyway, as I think you asked a few pages back what still needed to be fixed as you were busy as well. Which is why I feel bad asking you this right now....

Any way that Kvatch Aftermath could be added to the All Natural - Indoor Weather Filer for Mods.esp . I see Kvatch Rebuilt but no Kvatch Aftermath, since it is such a huge mod it would be awesome to have weather inside for it. Pretty please? :biglaugh: lol

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Post » Wed Dec 29, 2010 7:46 am

The bug is with BC, and only affects the IC AFAIK, and has been fixed for the next version. As for KA in the Filter Patch, that's up to Arthmoor.

I think we're all going through busy IRL phases ATM, both Arthmoor and I are pretty tied up ATM, and Brumbek is conspiring as usual... :P I should hopefully get some modding time this weekend, and I'm going to try to finally fix what appears to be the last weather bug in my way for 0.9.9. ATM the only modding related activity I'm doing is posting on the OBGEv2 thread and raging at morons on Nexus. :banghead: At least AN hasn't attracted the kind of stupidity that flourishes on the NE comments section:

"I'm getting constant rainy weather whenever I'm outside, and whenever I go inside and back out again, my weather switches. Is this normal?/Apart from that, it's OK."

That was a well-worded example. Honestly, given the merest iota of thought, could weather funking up ever be considered normal? Were they never driven to try to find a fix, but instead just put up with it? Honestly, I sometimes dispair for us all...

EDIT: Oh, look. We got 2nd place in File Of The Month at Nexus. Thanks to all who voted. during our massive voting drive for this prestigeous award Of more importance IMO are the continued stream of endorsemants, I don't think AN's dropped below top 20 in most endorsed file in the last two weeks list for a while now. Then again, they don't really say that much either. It's good to know (almost) everyone thinks we're doing more right than wrong though, even if that doesn't change anything.

It's more useful IMO to actually post feedback too, saying what you liked and suggesting improvements, than just saying it's a great mod. Of course it's a great mod. I wouldn't spend this much time on it if I thought it was rubbish, so I don't really need anyone else telling me that. Better to be a critic, that things can actually improve.

Some authors (not just in modding, anything that people create for peer review) get so incredibly wound up about reviews of their work, and what people think, but then refuse anything but super-positive inverse trolling. Honesty is so much better for people who create stuff though, it's what helps us improve our work.

If you think something svcks so badly that the creator should seriously consider jumping off a bridge just to avoid the possibility that such work might once more be inflicted upon humanity, tell them that. And then tell them how you think they could improve it. At least that gives them an opportunity and a choice. If they're a moron, they will jump off that bridge. If they are moronical and in denial, or really, really moronical to the point they think their stuff is the best ever, or you've not been very helpful, they will ignore you. Otherwise, though, you'll have participated in the betterment of another person, and doesn't that just give you a warm glow inside?

Huh, talk about tangents. :huh:
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Post » Wed Dec 29, 2010 8:35 am

Any way that Kvatch Aftermath could be added to the All Natural - Indoor Weather Filer for Mods.esp . I see Kvatch Rebuilt but no Kvatch Aftermath, since it is such a huge mod it would be awesome to have weather inside for it. Pretty please? :biglaugh: lol

Unlikely given He Who Shall Not Be Named's ridiculous members only download policy for the latest version. I have enough to worry about without registering there and having to make the required 50 svck ups posts to get the file.

@Wrinklyninja: That bit about honesty and criticism. I agree. I'd much rather know if something isn't working right or just plain svcks than just get some random unqualified "non-endorsemant" because I violated someone's belief system :)
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Tom Flanagan
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Post » Tue Dec 28, 2010 10:48 pm

It's more useful IMO to actually post feedback too

Since you're looking for feedback . . . I would just like to say that this was an enjoyable angry rant. At least 9/10. The sarcasm made me happy. I smirked. Good times were had by all.
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Anna Beattie
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Post » Wed Dec 29, 2010 12:51 am

The bug is with BC, and only affects the IC AFAIK, and has been fixed for the next version. As for KA in the Filter Patch, that's up to Arthmoor.

...err...I did notice lately that this bug was also occuring in Chorrol?
as one of my attempts to have good lighting without these gfx glitches,
i went several times between the mages and fighters guild, but the darn gfx glitch wont be gone.
however i noticed that the weather also changed just in the same way as in imperial city before...

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Post » Wed Dec 29, 2010 12:07 pm

Can anyone else replicate this, before I have a look at it?
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Felix Walde
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Post » Wed Dec 29, 2010 5:02 am

I would love to see something like that in Oblivion.
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Kayleigh Mcneil
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Post » Wed Dec 29, 2010 10:17 am

Frankly, it's impossible. STALKER uses an up-to-date engine, and has all sorts of bells and whistles that Oblivion just doesn't have. There's only so far you can stretch it, and that's too far. Weather in oblivion consists of 2 textures, 5 settings for wind and stuff, and about 120 odd colours you can set. There's simply not the depth to do much more than what has already been done.

And I'm not really interested in doing anything progressive with the weather. I'm going to fix bugs in this, maybe implement customisable weather chances, but that's pretty much it.
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Post » Wed Dec 29, 2010 12:16 am

I finally figured out my main problem with Oblivion weather not forcing on exit of an interior that had Oblivion weather - the old script check against the presence of Oblivion Gates was still being used, so it was preventing AN from doing anything. Pretty silly really. :embarrass:

I'm still getting the vanilla script jumping the gun and setting vanilla weathers once you've left the gate's range though. :( Though AN does seem to take back control once this weather has been set, and set the correct one. I think the problem is that the vanilla script releases the override, and so a normal weather is set straight away. A fraction of a second later, AN realises that it's OK to apply its weather, but by that time a new transition has started, and once a transition has started, it can't be switched for another, hence it waits for the transition to finish before beginning it's own. I'll need to think of a workaround for that, if that is indeed what is happening.

EDIT: Fixed. Hopefully. :)
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