The bug is with BC, and only affects the IC AFAIK, and has been fixed for the next version. As for KA in the Filter Patch, that's up to Arthmoor.
I think we're all going through busy IRL phases ATM, both Arthmoor and I are pretty tied up ATM, and Brumbek is conspiring as usual...

I should hopefully get some modding time this weekend, and I'm going to try to finally fix what appears to be the last weather bug in my way for 0.9.9. ATM the only modding related activity I'm doing is posting on the OBGEv2 thread and raging at morons on Nexus. :banghead: At least AN hasn't attracted the kind of stupidity that flourishes on the NE comments section:
"I'm getting constant rainy weather whenever I'm outside, and whenever I go inside and back out again, my weather switches. Is this normal?/Apart from that, it's OK."
That was a well-worded example. Honestly, given the merest iota of thought, could weather funking up
ever be considered normal? Were they never driven to try to find a fix, but instead just put up with it? Honestly, I sometimes dispair for us all...
EDIT: Oh, look. We got 2nd place in File Of The Month at Nexus. Thanks to all who voted.
during our massive voting drive for this prestigeous award Of more importance IMO are the continued stream of endorsemants, I don't think AN's dropped below top 20 in most endorsed file in the last two weeks list for a while now. Then again, they don't really say that much either. It's good to know (almost) everyone thinks we're doing more right than wrong though, even if that doesn't change anything.
It's more useful IMO to actually post feedback too, saying what you liked and suggesting improvements, than just saying it's a great mod. Of course it's a great mod. I wouldn't spend this much time on it if I thought it was rubbish, so I don't really need anyone else telling me that. Better to be a critic, that things can actually improve.
Some authors (not just in modding, anything that people create for peer review) get so incredibly wound up about reviews of their work, and what people think, but then refuse anything but super-positive inverse trolling. Honesty is so much better for people who create stuff though, it's what helps us improve our work.
If you think something svcks so badly that the creator should seriously consider jumping off a bridge just to avoid the possibility that such work might once more be inflicted upon humanity, tell them that. And then tell them how you think they could improve it. At least that gives them an opportunity and a choice. If they're a moron, they will jump off that bridge. If they are moronical and in denial, or really, really moronical to the point they think their stuff is the best ever, or you've not been very helpful, they will ignore you. Otherwise, though, you'll have participated in the betterment of another person, and doesn't that just give you a warm glow inside?
Huh, talk about tangents. :huh: