That worked! Thanks so much!
Maybe consider adding that step to the readme? Thanks again!
It's possibly worth adding to the FAQs, at least. We don't know why it happens to some people, and a fully clean install is preferred, so it's not going to be in the install instructions, but having a note in the FAQs would be good.
I've managed to fix a couple of problems with KR compatibility (including Arthmoor's), that were due to me forgetting quest stage checks, or having the wrong quest checked.
I've still got no idea why a couple of people were reporting weather de-sync after upgrading with clean saves, but I think I'm just going to have to drop that in the absence of any new evidence, at least until it pops up again.
If I've remembered everything that needed doing, then that's it for me. I can't remember if Brumbek ended up needing to do anything to the IC Merchant Inn mesh or not, so I'll just wait till he can say yes or no to that. If he doesn't, then I can release after that.
EDITS 1-5: Various bug-fixing updates.