Since I've changed these, I can say that the normal slow creep weather transitions you get in vanilla happen a lot faster with all the values set to 0.3. I don't know that there's a difference with coming vs going times because in the end, you stop with a different weather in place.
There's one in cell 19,36 which is probably the gate that Itachi62 ran into south of Feldscar that messed things up a bit.
Cheers for the Gate cell. I'll go check that out.
What would be the impact of modifying the MQ13OblivionGate1Script so that nearOblivionGate is set in the same way the other gates' scripts do?
Edit: And what is the issue with oblivion gates in snowy zones? I closed two gates in Jerall mountains and I had no problem. Is it linked to interior weather? (I didn't enter in any interior so I may have missed the issue).
Fire and brimstone. I'm not modifying any vanilla scripts, especially not quest ones, unless I can't help it, and I think I can.
As for the snowy gate issue, I think I made that up while sleep-deprived. There is actually an 'issue' with the snowy/rainy weather in the wrong place causing changes bit of the script, and the Oblivion Gate bit, in that they spam weather changes until the weather is changed, when only one call for a weather change is needed. I'll fix that, since although you don't see any problem, it's still not good.
I found the rainy/cloudy weather in Enhanced Weather to be too dark, especially at night, and that problem seems to have crept into NW weathers with the switch from plugins to INI configuration. Daytime cloudy weather with the NW setting seems incredibly dim. It would be nice to have some kind of INI setting for minimum brightness in daytime and nighttime weather.
Also, one thing that's always bothered me about vanilla lighting, and that has been missed in Real Lights, is the lack of light in stores and inns. Particularly, pitch darkness in entryways, dim public hallways, and dark rented rooms. These are areas that are supposed to usable and hospitable for the public, and yet I find myself carrying a torch while I pick my way through inns. It's ridiculous.
All the weather brightnesses have been normalized to vanilla levels, or at least I tried to do so for night brightnesses. If it is noticeably darker than the corresponding vanilla weather type, then let me know, but otherwise, you can change the brightness at night using Night Luminance and the brightness during the day using Colour Tints (just increase all 3 colours by the same amount).