RequireVersions '','','','284'bWeather = FalsebRL = FalseiRebuild = 0DeSelectAllSelectOne "Select which mod components you wish to install.", \ "|All Natural - Full", "This will install both the weather and Real Lights parts of All Natural.", '', \ "All Natural - Weather ONLY", "This will install the weather system, but not Real Lights.", '', \ "All Natural - Real Lights ONLY", "This will only install the Real Lights part of All Natural, and NONE of the weather options, so you can use any other weather mod you wish.", '' Case 'All Natural - Full' bWeather = True bRL = True sRebuild = "'All Natural.esp'" Break Case 'All Natural - Weather ONLY' bWeather = True sRebuild = "'All Natural.esp'" Break Case 'All Natural - Real Lights ONLY' bRL = True Note 'Remember to rename the "All Natural.bsa" to "All Natural - Real Lights.bsa" to prevent missing mesh and texture errors when you start Oblivion.' BreakEndSelectIf !(bAN|bRL) Cancel 'No components were selected.'EndIfIf bRL SelectSubPackage '00 Core' DeSelectAllEspms SelectSubPackage '01 Real Lights'EndIfIf bWeather SelectSubPackage '00 Core' DeSelectEspm 'All Natural - SI.esp' If DataFileExists('DLCShiveringIsles.esp') SelectOne "Do you want to use All Natural's Shivering Isles support? Pick yes if you don't use another mod for Shivering Isles weather.", \ "|Yes", "Installs Shivering Isles support for All Natural.", '', \ "No", "Doesn't install All Natural for Shivering Isles. Use this option if you have another mod that controls weather in Shivering Isles.", '' Case 'Yes' SelectEspm 'All Natural - SI.esp' sRebuild = sRebuild + " and 'All Natural - SI.esp'" Break EndSelect EndIf If DataFileExists('Nascosto Isles 3.esp') SelectSubPackage '03 Nascosto Isles Weather Patch' EndIf If DataFileExists('Kvatch Rebuilt.esp') SelectSubPackage '04 Kvatch Rebuilt Patch' EndIf SelectOne "Do you want to use the Bash Filter patch for other mod support?", \ "|Yes", "Pick this option if you wish to add All Natural's indoor weather to any of the mods supported in the Filter Patch. Be sure to rebuild your Bashed Patch after installing. See the Readme to explain the Bash Filter Option in more detail.", '', \ "No", "Pick this option if you do not wish to add indoor weather to the supported mods.", '' Case 'Yes' SelectSubPackage '02 Bash Filter For Various Mods' sRebuild = sRebuild + " and 'All Natural - Indoor Weather Filter For Mods.esp'" Note "Do NOT activate the 'All Natural - Indoor Weather Filter For Mods.esp'. Keep it inactive, but imported into your Bashed Patch.\n" Break EndSelect Note "Remember to select Import Cells from " sRebuild " when rebuilding your Bashed Patch.\n" Note "You can choose which combination of weather mods' weathers you wish to see in game in the 'All Natural.ini', as well as customise a wide variety of All Natural's options and features there.EndIf