I finally got some foggy weather again. I'm not sure if this is normal or not, so I thought I'd post it.
Here is the info from the debug ring:
Game Instance : 1 | Time : 09-04-2010 18-07-53
MMO:Updated values from ini file in data\ini\.
All Natural Tamriel: Initialised
Supreme Magicka Initialised Succesfully
Lightweight Potions:Updated values from ini file with weight set to 0.20
Weather Debug Ring - Current Weather: 01000853 TargetWeather: 01000853 OldTargetWeather: 00038EEE Percentage: 1.00 Cell: 1 CurrentTime: 1547.91 TimeForCheck: 1563.82 Region FormIDs:
** Dumping Array #5 **
Refs: 1 Owner 0A: Weather Debug Ring.esp
[ 0.000000 ] :
[ 1.000000 ] :
[ 2.000000 ] :
I also took a http://i855.photobucket.com/albums/ab118/AndalayBay/Oblivion/weather.jpg with the debug info available so you could see what it looks like. I've had fog with a more reddish tint than this, but the sky is an odd colour, I think. It's around noon just outside of Anvil. Is this normal?