Dumb question... what is the file path/name to that .ini? I'm going with the assumption that it's the one in my /Bethesda Softworks/Oblivion/Data/ folder... if it's not... call me a fool and let me know.

I also noticed that the default .ini still labels it as v0.9.9.5 even though it is the 1.0 package.
; =============================================; | All Natural Configuration File (v0.9.9.5) |; =============================================; =====================================================; | Night Luminance : Configurable night light levels |; =====================================================; The (SI)NormalizeLuminance setting can have values between 0 and 1, where 0 has no effect, and 1 completely removes; the vanilla blue tint at night. Values between 0 and 1 control the level to which the blue tint is toned down, in the; same way the (SI)Luminance multiplier does for the brightness at night.; For Tamriel:Set ANVars.Luminance to 1 ; Multiplier of the brightness at night.Set ANVars.NormalizeLuminance to 0 ; Controls the removal of vanilla Oblivion's blue tint at night.; For the Shivering Isles:Set ANVars.SILuminance to 1 ; Multiplier of the brightness at night.Set ANVars.SINormalizeLuminance to 0 ; Controls the removal of vanilla Oblivion's blue tint at night.; Suggested Values (for both Tamriel and SI):; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------; | |Vanilla|50% Darker Nights|80% Darker Nights|Original Colour Darker Nights|; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------; |Luminance | 1 | 0.5 | 0.2 | 0.33 |; |NormalizeLuminance | 0 | 1 | 1 | 0 |; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------