Impossible. You are commenting on what you THINK looks better, that's inherently SUBjective, not objective.
I was originally commenting on a problem I saw in certain weather types. I didn't need to make a subjective anolysis in order to determine that something was wrong. Granted it doesn't happen all the time, in fact I've been having a hard time reproducing it in order to provide a screenshot, but there is an issue under certain conditions. But even with conditions that aren't as extreme as some that I've encountered, there's room for improvement simply by experimenting with the Sunlight values. It wasn't put into the CS to be simply ignored, it's a tool to be used, and you haven't been doing so. Yes, much of what I'm doing is subjective, but I definitely saw certain conditions were this wasn't the case. There was clearly a problem.
You provided values you think look good. They don't constitute proof of anything one way or the other. The look of a weather mod is not something that can be objectively quantified. As i already said, it's all subjective.
And I've clearly stated that those values represent my own preference, on several occasions now. I posted them strictly so that you'd have some sort of basis of comparison, since you clearly don't realize what those settings can do. I certainly wasn't expecting you to adopt them as is, they were meant to be a starting point only.
What I resent is someone out of the blue coming along basically saying "the mod looks like crap, fix it, and love it".
I've never said that, or even implied it. I was trying to point out a problem with certain conditions, and also offering some suggestions as to how you could make some overall improvements in the areas that don't have extreme issues. Unfortunately that original intention seems to have spiraled out of control. If I thought the mod looked like crap, I wouldn't even bother to use it. I just see where there's room for improvement.