Arkane is using CryEngine in their next unannounced project.Don't know if it's Dishonored 2 (hope it is) or not.But Cry Engine has remarkable vegetation,terrain detail and incredible wind effects as seen in Crysis 2 and 3.I'm thinking Dishonored 2 could use those features too not to mention Arkane studio's remarkable talent,creativity and imagination.Environmental factors like wind affecting crossbow bolts to get drifted away at long range shots,trees,flags and people's clothes swaying,characters struggling against heavy gale;fog reducing NPC's vision;lightning storms during night revealing the player character and corpses to guards and NPCs when hiding in the dark;using thunder and other loud noise to conceal gunshot sounds and explosions etc.;snow leaving footprints,drag or tyre marks that both the player or guards could use to their advantage for tracking other people,vehicles or looking for clues;heavy snow causing people to stagger when walking through it (though it isn't useful in urban cities);heavy rain affecting in many ways etc.
What do you guys think? Won't it increase immersion into the game and make it more challenging and interesting allowing for more varied and newer gameplay mechanics and styles?