Weathered pistol and power armor bugs

Post » Sun Jul 04, 2010 3:38 am

I am fairly sure the game is bugged. First, and not nearly as important, is the issue of putting a silencer on the weathered 10mm pistol. When I did that my gun did not show in my hand while equipped and my screen got foggy. In 3rd person view it showed a opaque square in front on my character while it was equipped.

Most importantly, while doing the BOS power armor quest I helped Hardin, but followed the quest guidelines and finished it by handing in the stuff to the current leader. He thanked me and gave me the key to the bunker. Now, after 10 days waiting, neither will talk to me and Hardin is still not the leader. They both say they are waiting for a trial. This seems to be a known issue as it is referenced in this article:

I am on the xbox so I cannot simply use console commands to fix the problem. Anyone know how to fix this or do I have to go back to my saved games, assuming I haven't overwritten them, and re-do it all?
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Michael Russ
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