I'll place it on the kitchen table of my Sole Survivor's former home and walk away, as a memorial for the life he/she once had as he/she starts off to forge a new one.
I'll place it on the kitchen table of my Sole Survivor's former home and walk away, as a memorial for the life he/she once had as he/she starts off to forge a new one.
I'm gonna laugh if you find your spouse as a ghoul later on and she figures out you sold your wedding ring for some extra caps.
It will be unequipped at the very least.
Yeah. That seems highly likely - though the spouse may not be quite as old, and I very much foresee them dying in your arms.
I will keep it for an eternity as a symbol of my life before the great war. A memory wrapped around my index finger on my left hand. Perhaps I will move it to my Rt. hand as evidence to my suitors that I am now available for love. I hope mine is a diamond set in a circle of diamonds. I'm quite sure my husband had a good job as evidenced by the nice suburban home the three of us lived in before the war. I so wish he was here so I could tell him of my deceptions and ask his forgiveness.
I'm a dedicated type of person and see no reason to remove it.
The real question is, can I use it as ammo for the Junk Jet?
Nah, I'll keep it. I won't wear it, but I agree it will have some use down the line.
If FO4 had a Witcher style "romance" scene with the spouse I would keep it, but Bethesda goes G rated on romance and rated R on violence once again.
Where is there a clip/image with the PC wearing the ring? I've never seen it.
It's shown in the pip-boy inventory screen in the e3 vid when the player browses the pip-boy just after acquiring it.
I chose option 2, but I would add a fifth option: It depends (which might determine whether removal would be permanent or temporary based on the conditions in which the PC finds their self and more importantly what type of character they are).
We still don't know whether the spouse survives or not....no matter how hard the initial speculation leads toward their death.
Destroy it if I can, I have no desire of having crap thrown upon my character that he/she never wanted nor does it fit upon their character.
I'll keep it on until I get absolute confirmation of the spouse being dead. Like with a musical and everything.
First character? Tossing it. No hard feelings, just need a fresh start.
well Im wondering If we even get a Ring slot (accessory slot).
If we do (slot) I will keep it
If we don't, but is an item in your bag I will keep it.
If it's just a Cosmetic, it will most likely stay there.
I'll probably sell it. Extra bottle caps are sure to come in handy early game. If I should happen to run into my wife, turns into an android later on, I'll just tell her we agreed our love was bound by eternal vows, symbolized by our loyalty and devotion to each other, rather than a cliche wedding ring.