9 & 1/2 weeks

Post » Sat Oct 15, 2011 11:34 pm

This is not a wip thread nor is it a release thread - its more of a what am I up too thread and gives me the opportunity to get some feedback on ideas and quite frankly I would rather be brave and have my own thread to see if it lives or dies than be buried in the 'Show us what you are working on' thread

For the past 2 years - coming up for 3 I've been working on a story mod called Veloth's Child - apart from not having a clue what I was getting into when I started - I recall thinking this will take 6 months (mutters darkly at the memory) - however with a cast of over 100 to write dialogue for and a plot that can vary depending on your choices I've come to understand why so many developers stick to linear games or have a cast of hundreds producing them.

Anyway - I reached a halfway point where I needed to test some of the scripts that have been written for me or that I have mashed together - Melian in particular had written me a very elegant light version of a companion script - which works a little differently with how I want my companions to behave. The companions I do have in Veloth's Child tend to only come along on very specific quests and then push off home - they have their own lives to lead and quite frankly I wasn't interested in doing around the towns type conversations.

So I decided to write a single story mod and use it to test out my scripts - hmm - one thing led to another and I couldn't help writing some more dialogue as the story developed and finally I was able to connect it back into Veloth's Child with some hooks in the dialogue so if I ever manage to launch that behemoth the two mods will not only play nicely together but if anyone apart from myself ever plays 9 & 1/2 weeks they will have an added incentive to continue Fleur's story in Veloth's Child.

9 & 1/2 weeks is a testing ground for me with scripts, but it will also be a testing ground for me in terms of whether anyone enjoys the way I tell a story - which is a bit different from the norm, very much in the choose your own adventure style which the text driven form of playing Morrowind lends itself to.

There is a link to my WIP thread on this mod in my sig - for pics, vids and general frustration rants when things wouldn't work - but I thought I might post a few links here for anyone interested.

I like experimenting with bik files and using occasional cutscenes when appropriate to drive the story along - often as dreams or visions - this link is for one I am working on that combines the two stories and can be viewed by the player towards the end of the story - the music is by the very talented Roger Subriana Mata who provides licence free music - http://www.mediafire.com/file/rff6rngo181bc9p/Silent%20Tears.wmv

Here's a trailer for 9 & 1/2 weeks - which will be released as http://img89.imageshack.us/img89/2263/file28397.mp4

Fleur does dress quite different from the rest of Vvardenfell - but then she's just a recent arrival and has a story wrapped around her profession and why she wears what she does - apart from her clothes her story is very lore friendly and she is designed for players who are nostalgic for Morrowind and just feel like a romp (so to speak) around the Island once more, or for someone who just wants a new quest - there are some unique lines for those who have achieved Nevarine status or Archmagister of the Telvanni but it can pretty much be done by someone of a lower level.

It is a mature mod - in the sense that I write advlt themes - um... because despite my sometimes childish petulance on the forums at times I too happen to be an advlt and have had a varied life to draw experiences from

The player can engage in a romance with Fleur, but they have plenty of opportunities to opt out, depending on the player's relationship with her there are several - I think I counted 9 - different variations on the way the story concludes (as I'm still writing the end I can't be definite)

The romance itself is a test to see if she is an engaging character as Veloth's Child has a number of different romance options and this gives me an opportunity to maybe get some feedback on what works and what doesn't

While it has advlt themes it is not an explicit mod and even though the working title gives a nod to rapidly trying new experience in a very short time - the themes are to do with what you would be willing to do for someone you love

If you have a definition of what makes a mod mature I'd enjoy reading it.

When will it be ready? I have about 3 weeks of dialogue left to do then some end to end testing which should be about 2 or 3 more weeks depending on how broken it is by then.

Oh and of course if you really don't care about any of this but do enjoy a good french maid uniform well....
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