To start things off - got an SEQ generated, voice acting's fine, alias is fine.
Now, I've got 3 branches with a starting topic that is Top-Level for this one guy. The top level topic then links to up to 6 normal topics (one has 5, one has 4, one has 6). Each of these topics then links to 2 topics.
No conditions on the initial starting topic. I have two issues:
- Only two of the top level topics ever show. It changes which it is, but only two of them show at any time. Sometimes they switch while I'm still in game but usually there are two constants every time I boot up the game (not on game load). I need all three to show at all times. 3 topics show at all times, but I could have 5 that should be showing. Only 2 of the topics are ever the ones I want. Sometimes only two show - sometimes three. Can't tell what the difference is. Edit: Just had 4 show up in the topic list. But still only 2 of these 3.
- Whenever I'm out of topics that the initial branches link to, they still show. If you click on them, they'll just exit. So even though all 5/4/6 topics are now conditioned out, the branch top level topic will still be there. But if you click on it, it will exit conversation. I have conditions that say if all have the upgrades (the 5/4/6 topics) have been bought, the initial topic shouldn't show. But it still does, and just doesn't do anything. The conditions are checking if enable state markers that are initially disabled when an upgrade isn't bought are disabled - GetDisabled Reference (the reference is right) == 1. It checks OR - so if even one of the upgrades isn't bought, it should be showing, but not otherwise.
If you have any clarifying questions that could help, it would be great. If I can't find a fix by tomorrow I'm going to redo the quest with the dialogue and see if that fixes it (fingers-crossed).
EDIT: And from a choice list (the 5/4/6 topics), on one of them one that shouldn't be conditioned out isn't showing (on the 4 choice one).