I'm playing as a lvl 21 Imperial with light armor and shield+sword. The thing that bothers me most is that the enemies seem to scale really weird in this game. I was running through a mine which was full of Draugr and they went down in about 3-5 hits but when I hit the boss at the end, he was near impossible to take down, he also had a pillar which was shooting fireballs at me. Luckily, I was with a mage companion so I did end up winning but just barely. My hits only scraqed him and I was out of stamina pretty quicky, even my critical hits didn't do much to him. I was wearing Elven armor + an elven sword with 31 damage.
Are some enemies in the same area supposed to be miles stronger than the regular minions or should I switch my playstyle, like using a two-hander rather than a sword+shield? I have always tried to keep my stamina and health on par when I level up but shield bashes drain so much stamina that it's not even funny.