Metrophor, dare I ask what Sforza has to do with this?
...Or do I even want to know?
Ah, it's just that the facility in question is his. Or partly his, anyway; I always got the impression that Sforza only represented one branch of... whatever the hell it is he belongs to.
See, I've been inside the facility plenty of times- enough that I know how to find my way around, at least. The trouble is, most of the time I was preoccupied with trying to get out again (a dilemma often accompanied by lots of breaking glass, raised voices, and gunfire), so I only have a vague idea of what the complex is actually
While FIAT is perfectly content to
work with this nameless, science-oriented cabal, it does not work
for my company. Which is why Internal Affairs seems to be perfectly content with deploying spies.
I'd be lying, too, if I said I'm not curious. I remember, from my last few panicked searches for the exit, catching glimpses inside some of the laboratories:
-Equations -written in an actinic, indecipherable scrawl- hanging in midair
-A wall full of what appeared to be x-rays, the subject matter bizarre and most emphatically Not Human
-A door that opened into
nothing, and I do mean that in every sense of the term (no up, no down, no illumination, no depth, no substance)
-What appeared to be some sort of non-euclidean biome
-A room with ranks and ranks of dimly-lit, hermetically-sealed vats
-Another room crammed with banks of monitors, each screen displaying a different video feed. I don't know for certain what the subject matter was, but the labels over each screen suggested they might have been people's
memoriesI guess technically speaking I could try just knocking on the front door, but something tells me that approach would... erm. Not be the greatest of ideas.